Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
This is a question i would shoot out to everyone who played or heard of persona 5. After halfway through the game it made a emotional impact on me and made me reflect on myself. I could relate to the things happening in the game of like how people are treated unfairly and outcasted in society or how people take advantage of someone.
I grew up being autistic and i dont communicate well with people and because of that throughout my whole life im being bullied or used by people who only look for me when they want something.
I ended up with social phobia which made me afraid of people and i became introverted.
The worse part of it i dont have the strength to stand up for myself.. Whenever i face those people i just smile and be like haha and ignore it.
After playing persona 5 and learning about the phantom thieves individual story. Palaces. I really wish the phantom thieves are real and be one of them.
Deep down i just want to stand up and rebel againt corrupted people and their distorted desires. What do u guys think ? Would u be a phantom thief if u have the chance?
P.S i realized i spelt thief wrongly, forgive me as its 5am here while im writing this

xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx
perhaps i think id fall into your situation kinda, i would think sure its cool and id most likely like it

hadosan @hadosan
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
hadosan @hadosan

Only if I could be this cool

asukaangel @asukaangel
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
asukaangel @asukaangel
I don`t get quite well what type of ghost are those in the game... but if it`s like to do justice I think I`ll do it!!! yet if it`s like a regular ghost I wouldn`t like to remain in this world or dimension... I would love to go away asap and be free

ceresbane @ceresbane
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
ceresbane @ceresbane
Simply because of the power of the wild card than any actual desire to be a phantom thief. God knows what my velvet room would look like or who my attendant would be.
Maybe a library or prolly a stylish high rise office where I sit opposite Igor.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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. @vezax
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
. @vezax
i wouldnt mind being a phantom thief.. but i wont make that my full time job!

Baka @reinhardt76
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Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
Baka @reinhardt76
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Fiever @rickowned
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
Fiever @rickowned
Yes. Being able to see into others persona as it really is, there are many people I find bad.
Now most of them fall into the small fish category but some just with talking to them i find how scumbag they are.

koroshiya20 @koroshiya20
commented on
Would you be a phantom theif if you have a chance?
koroshiya20 @koroshiya20

I prefer being misguided to save the world by destroying 12 Arcana of Shadows (which is a wrong move), then sacrifice myself to save the world from the "mistake" me and my extracurricular did.
Haven't catch a glimpse of P5 tho
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