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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

Ugh I read that message wrong. I need sleep
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Jun 12, 18 at 1:54pm
@crossbones.. you have one thing wrong here ^^ Medically speaking if a gay person behaves in a feminine way and identifies himself to be like a female then he isnt homosexual, he has gender dysphoria! and yes that is a disorder.. In it a person feels that their psychological identity is different from the biological one! His body might be male but he is a female from inside and so he likes other males thus he cant be called a homosexual ^^ Homosexual is when he identifies himself as a MALE and finds himself similar to other MALES and still he finds MALES attractive! and that is NOT A DISORDER ^^
That might be true, but I'm not a pedophile, nor into bestiality, nor necrophilia, nor anything outside of an of age (and currently , my wife...well...that'll have to wait a few more weeks.;__;...child birth 'n all) woman. I don't think sexuality is quite as fluid as people seem to want to paint it as, now a days. Definitions are there for a reason and not just "because".
damn, so i guess gay people kill themselves over the grief of not being accepted because its a choice suicide rates are highest among lgbt teens, but thats just them being dramatic lul seriously, how is this kind of opinion in the anime community xD?!?! i thought we were all chill dudes who just liked fan service
Think about it this way. If you say that sexuality is fluid and a choice then you're giving credence to all those people who put people through what they called therapy to make them choose a different sexuality. You're giving them Credence and saying that they're right for trying. Maybe not right for what they did but that they weren't wrong that they could change it. Do you really want to give them credence? I may be using the wrong word but I'm sure you understand what I mean. To my knowledge nobody has ever been able to choose their sexuality even once. Part of what gives people grief when they aren't straight is the fact that they can't choose to be straight to be accepted when they are being bullied for it.
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