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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

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I like boobs and lady butts but I think Ryan Gosling is hot. Bam!
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The issue with the original post is that it suggests that sexuality is more of a choice which then creates the issue that you can force someone to choose a sexuality which has been an argument that you can't do so don't force people to do it for many years. The grammar is terrible there but I think it's understandable enough.
"One is normal and evolutionary makes sense, while the other is normal as well and definitely not a disorder. There is legit a gene that is linked to homosexuality - if it was a disorder I doubt most homosexuals would be as functional in society as they are. Don't throw around the word disorder without knowing the proper definition~" Muffin, Homosexuality isn't damn normal at all. We're designed to mate with the opposite sex, not the same sex. To me, that's a disorder. I am not dehumanizing homosexuals in anyway. For example, when a gay man acts very female-like, that's definitely a mental disorder since they are 'acting very much like a female'. Not saying they got to be all masculine and manly. It just doesn't add up right but hey your opinion, my opinion. Then again, things have changed like people want to normalize those gender identity nonsense and other mental disorders along with not knowing what bathroom to use.
Here's a fact. There are more straight couples in the history of humanity then homosexual. Take that as you will.
what about all the homo erotic tendancies of the roman era? lots o male centric orgies take that as you will
What about the fact that if there weren't more straight pairings throughout all human history there wouldn't be this many human beings on the planet? Take that as you will.
lel so what :p? what about the fact that gay people adopt, meaning there will be less abandoned children the more gay couples there are? this kinda talk has nothing to do with the subject at hand honestly, these are more pros and cons of gay couples:P
Yes but the invention of adoption, outside of just picking up someone random that you in meet in life on the road or something, is only a recent thing in human history. The idea of adoption agencies and things like that are fairly new in human history. I'm talking about since the beginning of man up to this point.
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