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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

Who knows. For me, I just think of it as preference. Didn't know if I liked men till I watched gay porn when I was trying to figure things out.
I think there are genetic preferences. From an animalistic sense, most people are attracted to pheremones from certain genders. You only know that when you are in close proximity. For example, I'm attracted to female pheremones and sexually aroused being in close proximity to many females but normally not males. I also tend to prefer feminine aesthetics. But I can find some males, particularly if the are tending to look androgynous or fem, attractive. I can also have sexual thoughts about certain guys. But I don't think my natural tendency is for guys but it is for girls. You could say most people fall somewhere in the bisexual spectrum (or pan if you prefer) with a few people being far left or right. Culture has an effect on psychological tendencies but doesn't really determine natural preferences.
I like people that are more middle of the road, what does that make me, Bi? I don't care about gender, but I like people that tend to act more like the opposite gender.
Quick pet peeve: I still think the term "pensexual" is not necesarry. Pansexual claim bisexuals exclude attraction to trans-genders and such. I'm sure you could probably find a "bisexual" somewhere that wouldn't date a trans-gender person but I've never met any and I would bet that the statistical percentage is so low as to be irrelevant. But that's a discussion for another topic.
agreed loli i use to thing it ment you were attracted to anything xD cuz i think i could get it on with anything with a dick really, monster, alien, frying pan
there's actually more transphobes than you think, so i think the term is still useful. im trans and pansexual, so im attracted to pans c; hmu https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/kawaii-pan-cooking-funny-icon-vector-illustration-eps-85799175.jpg
I can't speak for anyone else but, this has never been a question for me. I always knew I liked girls and not boys from the standpoint of what I find physically attractive. So, to me yeah I think a person can be born gay since I was clearly born strait. I would also say that I am sure their are people that find characteristics from both sexes physically attractive so I don't think this is something that is so clear cut for everybody.
Well Put our Muffin Master.
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