Can People Change?

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Can People Change?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Tatsuro @tatsuro_yanagi
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Can People Change?
Tatsuro @tatsuro_yanagi
people always change in both good and bad way

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Can People Change?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai

Joel Bullock @joelbullock
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Can People Change?
Joel Bullock @joelbullock
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BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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Can People Change?
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
People can change however they cannot be made to change, its something they have to desire greatly and work for. No one can make someone change.

Aurelio @animefan4life
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Can People Change?
Aurelio @animefan4life
People could change even those that are bad could change as well. It takes time before they fully change.

Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
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Can People Change?
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
Truly changing requires many things, Mindfulness, a Reason, Effort and more.
I was many years ago what most would consider a horrible horrible person, after someone I loved died albeit indirectly due to my own actions, I had a reason to change, it was hard, a back and forth, I had to learn to be mindful of mind and putting this mindfulness into action required great efforts and still does.
So yes, anyone can change greatly so long as they have the right tools.

Shadower @theshadower
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Can People Change?
Shadower @theshadower
Absolutely! It takes work, but you have to want it and work for it.
I'm completely different from 3 years ago, spent most of my time just hanging with the guys/crew. Everyone started to pass me by after a while. Long story short..I fixed the problem and changed a lot of things about myself, mannerisms, work ethic, appearance and even my vocabulary. Changing those things ended up changing my attitude and how I choose to approach things.
I know guys and women who are still on that dumb shit, but I don't judge them for their choices. It's hard to make changes to yourself, especially when you see nothing wrong at all.

Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
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Can People Change?
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
I am really strongly opinionated on this subject, so before I go for a jog to buy some lovely dark chocolate I will say.
I was not always the kind hearted and most positive person I am now,
In my youth, I was a gang banging, violent terrible excuse of a human being, and I hated myself.
Some things happened, and I looked at my life as it was and realized I needed to change.. change or die.
It took years of effort for me to overcome that which I was to become what I am.
Most people who knew me almost cannot believe it, it really was because I discovered that I am worth my own efforts.
Now I volunteer, feed those who cannot feed themselves, rescue animals, am looked up to by the youth around me and help them deal with the very real issues that those who are somewhere in between a child and an adult deal with now adays.
I have learned to use the tools I developed in my youth to help me accomplish my current goals, and I freaking LOVE ME
Anybody that believes that someone cannot change is simply not willing to apply the effort to change themselves or hangs around the wrong people, yeah not easy, but can it be done...

ロイ @wallace614
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Can People Change?
ロイ @wallace614
If you mean to change for personal reasons then maybe bit for someone else then that'll be a no
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