Legend of Zelda anyone?

Aurelio @animefan4life
Legend of Zelda anyone?
Aurelio @animefan4life
I almost played every main Zelda game that is out their. The only one I haven't is the one on the DS and BoTW. Anyway who is your favorite character and are you excited about BoTW?

nativesprague @nativesprague
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Legend of Zelda anyone?
nativesprague @nativesprague
Bro Zelda is aweeesome.
Have beaten every single one, except the gameboy ones (have never played them). Fav game is either Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess, and fav character is probz Tingle.
Also hyped for BoTW.

Aurelio @animefan4life
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
Aurelio @animefan4life
Dude I recommend Links awakening DX. It's for the gameboy but you should try it if you ever get the chance. My fav is Tp, MM, OoT, LTTP, and SS. My fav character is tingle as well. I pre-order BoTW.

VeZeal @axlex
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Legend of Zelda anyone?
VeZeal @axlex
There were two DS Zelda games. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
Anyway only Zelda I haven't played is Four Sword Adventures (and the CDi games).
My favorite character is Groose. And my favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess.
As for BOTW, not as excited as I was a couple of weeks ago now that I'm hearing about DLC in a main Zelda game. Warriors I gave a pass since Koei handled that and you know how they are about DLC.

Aurelio @animefan4life
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Legend of Zelda anyone?
Aurelio @animefan4life
@VeZeal I was pissed as well but that's just mean more stuff to do!

afrodestinyfan @afrodestinyfan
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
afrodestinyfan @afrodestinyfan
@VeZeal: The CDi games aren't the Legend of Zelda games. There are something that shouldn't exist.
I love the Legend of Zelda, although I haven't played all of them. I seemed to have dropped Skyward Sword, but I want to pick it up in the near future. My favourite stays Majora's Mask. The whole atmosphere of the game is just fantastic.

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
VeZeal @axlex
You can't stop the memes afrodestinyfan

Aurelio @animefan4life
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
Aurelio @animefan4life
CDI Zelda is the best game ever;)

ssgss3vageta @ssgss3vageta
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
ssgss3vageta @ssgss3vageta
im listing to twilight princess ost right now and i love all the games so many hours of good fucn and adventure

Vamxlight @shadowxlight1028
commented on
Legend of Zelda anyone?
Vamxlight @shadowxlight1028
Twilight Princess was fantastic! Also really liked Link Between Worlds and Ocarina of Time.
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