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I'm back~

Jan 29, 17 at 3:32am
These kind of threads are actually quite rare. While certain people start them up more often, it's been a long time since one was as drawn out.
Red @redhawk commented on I'm back~
Jan 29, 17 at 3:32am
@Anna your right about that
Jan 29, 17 at 3:33am
This is starting to me remind of the Kassandra incident with talk of blackmail and such. Don't let this be like that.
Kiddo there was another K around that acted like you with a split of sorts.... remember that crazy bitch Kassandra who victimized Snakey .... you acting just like she was on some real shit. I mean I know you're about as mature and got the guts of a 16 year old girl.... idk maybe your fixation on 16 year old girls is to be besties or something I don't know but hopefully them ladies are foxy enough for ya (maybe you know what them young foxes say I don't know)
Not just that you live with your parents you dunce I'm going steps beyond that - you're just too stupid and jaded to know you're being hit. You see the secrets won't be apparent until you've had the revelations. You have no idea just how much I know about shit and how much of all of this I saw coming. I knew many moons ago this shit would go down. I mean you were such a failure half your relationship the love of your life was leaning on me for the important shit. I mean again if I'm worthless whats that make you that she had to lean on her ex because you're not a man. You're too ignorant to see whats really important in the world. You'll learn eventually .... maybe
You're just droning on like she did - making a mess just because heartbreak and all. Honestly would make more sense if you were a methy teenage wanna be bitch on the other end of this communication. Although I will admit I'm not as good at this whole mental mind game sadism as I used to be - must be the atrophy I"m much softer, altruistic and humanitarian than I used to be. If you believe Mango's definition of misogyny the entire male race would be "guilty". If most of what you think of me is from her brilliant flawed uninformed perspective there (she didn't ever bother to really get to know me so she doesn't know much really) isn't really going to be accurate steam to go with but .... its your pity party kiddo cry if you want too
You may have very well been aware of everything I've gone on about but that doesn't mean it isn't on point, accurate, or worthwhile stuff :) Unfortunately there are some thing I won't be able to hit you with - it will deal damage to you automatically. Its the power of the revelations that you should eventually have that will be the ultimate ordinance against you and let me tell you when these hit you.... the pain and suffering you're dealing with will be literally nothing compared to what you will go through. Even if I could hit you with some shit ..... and ruin the effectiveness of it ... I'm a patient sadist I can wait :) I mean I don't really neeeeeeeeeeeeed to hit you ... you do that to yourself
You failed because whether she allowed you to be there or not you should have been there anyway. A real man doesn't let his woman suffer when he can do even something about it - you keep fighting to let her know you're there you don't just tuck your fluffy foxy tail between your legs and whimper off. You failed because you're constantly scared You failed because you would rather do nothing than something You failed to get her to open up so theres that
Whether you think back to me personally or not - you'll moap around here like you do and Napalm will know. Mango had no problem breaking things away from me by the way and I learned some things from my dealings with her. Maybe you'll have learned the same things in time. You're just entertainment at this point really. *Bombshell voice* THAT WAS COOL (insider) ... but just know that the worst has yet to come and the beauty is that it is all going to be sourced from you internally.... but the fact that I set it up myself in a mixture of things really ... well ;) I mean Napalm was the key ingredient in the AnimeMango recipe and all .... I set you up knowing you would probably fail and that you would fail because of your shortcomings ... I crafted the recipe for disaster and apparently it was an ugly breakup so recipe successful (although to be honest not nearly as successful as I had hoped as you're not nearly suffering enough and focusing on the right things for this to be such)
You're reasoning about this is so bitch style lols ... you're attacking her more than I am really ... I thought I was the misogynist woman hater beater whorefucker extraordinaire yet here you are picking on poor down Mango whose not even asking for it. I mean you know how she is so you should have known to be more persistent and know that something is up. Using her avoidance as a full excuse is a weak cop out you fucking pussy. You think I don't know how difficult these things can be with her - that doesn't mean you give up little punk. I mean you're telling me that I'm going on about old shit but you're just on a loop here ... all you've really got is... "that all you got" "its not my fault its hers" "okay I know I'm a bit of a wimp" You're not feeling heat because you're just a dumpster fire already lols The full beauty of my arsenal is that I don't have full control over it..... your heart, mind, and soul does .... I just merely put a bomb in there
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