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I'm back~

Jan 29, 17 at 3:02am
Ha! Ironic...
I make plenty of sense but your head isn't put on right anyway right now ... or has it been ever you little pedophile? I mean this worthless guy here took you from a guy attracted and wanting shit with a 16 (maybe) year old to an actual adult age appropriate woman ... well shit how worthless does that make you? I mean shit for all the good I put in your life you owe me a 1000 favors don't get it twisted you coward little shit. Only reason you have any bravery in the first place is because I lent you some of mine. I mean speaking of pussy it sounds like you can't actually satisfy one despite the large ordinance you possess - true story ;) Napalm knows (gotta have the balls to be able to use these things properly... balls not ovaries) I mean true story.... I used to be a lot like you kiddo... you know like 10 years ago .... although even I wasn't this pathetic back then. You can continue to drone on WAHHHH WOE IS ME WAHHHHHH I LOST MY MANGO WHY DID THE FRUIT ROT THOUGH WHYYYYYYY WAHHHH ..... you haven't even had proper revelations about shit where you could be legit pitied. I know you must be thinking revelations about what.... but what would be the fun in telling you (plus it'll be much more gratifying for you when you figure shit out on your own)
Protip: I made you appealing to her in the first damn place too ..... at least initially you two were a byproduct of my work I mean karma is just dancing like something fierce for me .... for once shes being my bae
You're not even being brave right now - you're just being a stupid martyr with a shitty cause. I mean what did she even do to you that's worse than what she did to me even?
Even if its old shit its still good shit - classics you know. I can probably find out if I reallllyyy wanted too but it really doesn't matter much to me. "Is that all you got" is that all you're going to drone on with ..... I mean threatening her and shit ..... there were things even I didn't do to her and I'm a fucking sadist. I mean any little xxx treats I got I got rid of like a civil person ... not using it as some blackmail. Even by my standards that's low (and doesn't that say something?) One day you'll realize she isn't worth martyring yourself over - true story I mean without Mango you're back to being a loli hunting pedo so I can see why you'd be a salty martyr. I mean you're just an eyesore as you are right now (and I don't see that improving anytime soon). If you want people to respect you give them something to respect
Ghost @kuharido commented on I'm back~
Jan 29, 17 at 3:16am
I'm sorry, kid. Love is tough man. Just pick yourself and keep moving forward. Napalm, bro just give it up. Don't kick people when they're down. What goes around comes around.
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https://media.makeameme.org/created/250/modified-a10-thunderbolt.jpg Its still viable ammo .... I mean unless you don't consider being a cowardly pedophile a big deal (I think most people would disagree there) ... I mean you've gone from running to her like "wahhhh Napalms being mean to me make him stop" and now you can actually come at me directly..... like a flailing moron albeit but coming in my general direction. You can use whatever you want from me as an excuse but that's all it is ... a weak excuse. The main things I would "blackmail" her with would be accountability really which to her is really scary but that's another story. Isn't it past your bedtime and time to run to mommy and daddy to fight this battle for you .... I do know you're a bit of a "heavy nester" ...bazinga
This site is getting boring cause of such talks it's getting tiring hearing same things over and over again
Buuuuuuuut Mango the lion cub is roaring its cuuuhhhuuuttteee
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