Goodbye Maiotaku
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Goodbye Maiotaku
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Goodbye Maiotaku
yaasshat @yaasshat
Foreign? I was under the assumption this was the world wide Web.
To flatulate is to fart...And it just sounded close to that...geez. Can't you just enjoy a good o'l fart joke? ;P
My most recent ex was at the "I love you" stage with the guy she left me for before she moved out of my apartment and that was like a month. Four months after and surprise, they broke up while she went back to fucking bartenders for free drinks.XD Not even joking...Anyways.
People always mistake emotions for love and that's simply not how true love works. Not to say there shouldn't be any emotional attachment, but that's another explanation for another thread.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Goodbye Maiotaku
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Sad times when the cutest couple breaks up and people start leaving:(
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
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Goodbye Maiotaku
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
Kiddo keep posted in a little bit - I think I have some information / clues that'll really put things in perspective
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Goodbye Maiotaku
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
You are gonna heal Kid. Personally you shouldn't have to leave MO just because it depresses you. The only person that can make you happy is yourself. *Hint of hypocrisy coming from me lmao*
You still have friends on here that will talk to you anytime. Depression nor anger lasts forever. Unless someone steals my butterfinger then there shall be hell to pay. Light humor aside healing takes time whether it will take a week or years. Eventually you will date again.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Goodbye Maiotaku
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Damn. This is why I try not to look for someone online anymore. You just don't truly know how the other person feels unless you know them irl.
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Goodbye Maiotaku
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Goodbye Maiotaku
yaasshat @yaasshat
Distance caused the main issue? I kind of doubt that. Not to say it didn't play a part, but there have been quite a few here who've made it work and at least one or two who now live with each other. Not trying to argue, just making a point.
Grain of salt.*
Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Goodbye Maiotaku
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Goodbye Maiotaku
yaasshat @yaasshat
No need for personal info and especially touchy info at that. If you want to talk, as I said before, I'm more than willing to in private.
A grain of salt implies that they need to not take it as an insult, rather as some sort of insight. Like adding a grain of salt for flavor or to draw out more flavor.
The ball is in your court.
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