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When does someone becomes Creepy?

Someone becomes creepy when you keep chasing her even after you get blocked out of the site/banned multiple times, at this point I would start getting police involved
https://media.tenor.com/images/e997af9ff930a85e1a28528bb8ba384a/tenor.gif @koroshiya_desu There's a difference between pursuing a girl and breaking the law lamby Christ why does everything end with sexual assault with you xD
@elhaym @senpaisamasan https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc-a9aEK-uQ/w:644/h:360/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/dr.-stone-ep-1-yuzuriha.jpg
get your heads off the gutter ...kono do hentai domo ga XDD
@koroshiya_desu The sentence sounded odd to me, so I wanted to clear up things.
its not in the law to not make people uncomfortable but you shouldn't do it if she isn't taking what your putting out or moves away when you touch her she isn't playing hard to get, even if you see other signs she likes you "playing hard to get" idea of women just perpetuates rape culture, that "she was asking for it" fuck that shit
https://youtu.be/9RRhhewFqyw You gotta be subtle lamby There are situations when a woman might not be into the idea but people are what's the word, errr, what I'm trying to get at is people change their mind about others all the time. There could be a person you're not really into but when you get to know them more you might find some sort of attraction to them o3o Not condoning sexual harassment or harassment of any kind but a locked room scenario has been proven to work
lamby denies existence of tsundere?
I think this is the line.
tsundere is japense for bitch theyr terrible
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