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Random facts about yourself

Nov 19, 21 at 1:07am
I bite https://c.tenor.com/uzw7jau6ot0AAAAC/cat-bite.gif
I once tried to raise an army of ducks but a mountain lion killed all of them. I shall try again one day though.
I have watched all 3 Twilight movies...
I believe necromancers are just doctors who show up really late and everyone gives them shit for it so they often turn to the side of evil.
Nov 22, 21 at 6:30pm
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Mikan, can I hire you to clean mine?
Nov 23, 21 at 9:06am
I pass out when I give blood. Today I just gave blood for an emery research program and I passed the F out after my blood was drawn. Apparently when I passed out my elbow hit the side surface of the chair scrapping it and then I faceplanted it after doing an exaggerated unconscious dab and cut my face. Apparently my father and grandfather are both highly susceptible to passing out after giving blood. I have a headache and my arm burns. Ouch...
I write songs/poems for my ex's/crushes and post em on my social media accounts.
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