Hey everyone!

spacewafu @spacewafu
Hey everyone!
spacewafu @spacewafu
Guh so I joined this website on a whim! Hello my name is spacey! Well I have an irl name of course but that's besides the point. Just wanted to meet some people in the anime community. Haven't had so much luck since I've been out of it with work and such. But yea hope to make some great friends here !

Dark Colonel @darkcolonel
commented on
Hey everyone!
Dark Colonel @darkcolonel
What's up dude it is great to meet you

nicocanteven @nicocanteven
commented on
Hey everyone!
nicocanteven @nicocanteven
Hey, spacey! I'm Nico, Hope you're able to meet some good friends here on MO!!!

spacewafu @spacewafu
commented on
Hey everyone!
spacewafu @spacewafu
Hello Nico it's very nice to meet you!
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