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A lost Aspie Otaku

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Thanks, but no. Rather worrysome thought process there. Not to mention, if you've been dating for any number of years and not going to commit, seriously, just how long do you think a life is? Either do it or don't, don't hide on the fence. Just my thoughts, but yeah, going that long would be a sign to me that it isn't serious.
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^_^ I know plenty of techy girls that have no problems with them and are very not LDS. They aren't that rare (most people in Utah are not LDS either). I go to those things... but those are too organized for me to meet people. It's quite frustrating, which is why I'm asking for potentially useful other places? Non-prescribed drugs/alcohol are off the table for me because I put my health and others I'm with first. Cigarette smoke literally chokes my dad and I, and the stench of drunks... is gross. (Not trying to poke, but it's pretty rude to assume that I don't do them just because "Jesus said so". Any health specialist worth their money says the same thing.) Either way, I'm not interested in the whole "Oh noes, religion, drugs, and being different people" thing. I get it plenty in person. Really, just hoping for any useful advice. Or heck, to just meet any girls on here?
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^_^; Sorry. I get a bit fired up too easy about it. I don't like people putting my religion before other things about me (I try not to do it to them, so I hope). I'm just hoping for advice from other otaku girls where they may hang out. This site is called "MaiOtaku", after all. Yeah, I have an account at LDS Singles too, but I'm not holding out much hope for 'net world... I'm a general pessimist for myself. ^_^;
Say, did you know that San Diego Comic Con has had a suit against Salt Lake Comic Con? Supposedly due to the sheer popularity it's getting from the big names, or something like that... that they are worried about losing them to another Con. It's pretty cool, the way the actors say how they like the area here. ^_^ I've only been to it once, but wow! >_<
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Thanks but... So, no ideas for otaku hangouts? That's literally all I've been hoping to find out with this... Like, I've got a collection of well over 500 anime series and many manga series, imported from Japan (because I abhor dubs) and yes, I do put that as a big thing I'm looking for in a partner, however unrealistic it may be considered. I'm a stupidly hopeful type, after all!
If you happen to find somebody, if the relationship does work, make sure to let the other know that they are important to you. I dont mean all the time, but every now and then. My ex has Aspergers (there is A LOT of that around here it seems...) and it was one of the reasons we broke up; a severe lack of emotion towards the relationship. While that might sound terrible, you have to take into account the others feelings for the relationship. If you're [me in this example] doing your best, respecting their [the partners] feelings all while holding back how you feel as to not make them uncomfortable, it will take its toll on you, eventually breaking you down.
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