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A lost Aspie Otaku

So, I have Aspergers and am an otaku. Looking for a girl to share everything with. Thing is, I suck at socializing (a given, considering) and have a hard time truly trusting someone (as in, I am a very trusting person, it's my default setting, but for anything important... it's literally terrifying.) So, having Aspergers and an awkward but strong love of the things I care about... I don't know what to do. The girls I do befriend aren't interested in being more than friends (usually opposed, actually), but I can only truly open up to my best friend... and for it to be anyone that it isn't for life is literally painful. So how do I find the girls who may at least be interested? If you don't know what Aspergers Syndrome (or Autism for that matter) is, please learn up on it BEFORE giving any obvious advice... (Aspergers is kind of like being born with a deformed arm; you can adjust your life and live just fine, but the arm is still not the same as a normal arm and has particular limitations. Except that it's how your brain is structured, affecting your programming, instead of an external disability.)
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Thanks, but... I already know that stuff, and do work on them. I was actually literally asking the how do I find those girls? Or, I guess "where" is a better question. Rather hoping some of the women here would have a clue, being first hand. (I don't think you hide under rocks, but it sure can feel like it!) Like, I live in Stansbury Park, Utah, with rather limited means of travel. So there's hardly anywhere I know of to go to meet girls I can relate with, let alone to get to know them. (Which is why I decided to try online, since at least finding people to talk with isn't hard.) Doesn't help that growing up was never in places where I could really get much social experience, so whatever, I'm working on it as best I can... (And yes, it is officially a disability. I'm not ashamed of it. It's just what it is. I don't really care about that anyways, other than for other people's understanding.)
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... Was that sarcasm? Assuming otherwise, while I certainly see the reasoning, where would you look for them? If they are like me when I'm like that, they'd be in their home and not communicating...
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^_^; Viewed as an intentional motive, yeah, I agree (so assuming sarcasm). Though it's certainly true enough when it does happen incidentally. Frustrating that I'm more of the position of wanting to receive that, but trying to give it? Ah well. Serving the person you love is a great thing when it's done for them!
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But seriously, where does one go to meet otaku girls? Game Stop? Barnes & Noble? That's about all that comes to mind, and so far no luck. If Utah is big enough Nerd that SLC Comic Con is what it is... they can't not exist.
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