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How to introduce a girl/woman to my otaku life & my gamer life when & if i put myself out there dating again & if i choose to

I apologize for asking i had to ask because if some girl/woman acts like she likes me or shows she's worthy to be with me whichever you choose to described it well you guessed it sooner or later i have to introduce to the fact I'm a gamer & I'm a otaku. But question is how do i/how should i introduce her to my otaku life & my gamer life? I know i haven't put myself out there dating again yet I'm only asking ahead of time because when the time comes+if she ever wants to come over,if she ever wants to come to my room or if she ever wants to hang out with me 1 way she'll find out that I'm a gamer & I'm a otaku is if someone say to her or tell her that I'm a gamer & I'm a otaku. 1 way they say is did you know your boyfriend is a otaku then you'll know what i mean this question is mainly for the guys who has someone or dating out there and no i don't know when is the right time to tell her & i don't know how to introduce to it about me and if you think she should find out on her own then that's fine with me if you just say let her find out on her own. Sorry for the long read so I'm asking ahead of time when & if i put myself out there dating again & if i choose to so i thought of asking those of you who have experiences thanks for reading,thanks for your understanding and thanks for the help ahead of time when & if the time does come :).
Never say anime/manga/gaming is your life as an opening dialogue. Just say that you find it fascinating.
I mean, unless the guy has an unhealthy obsession with anime/gaming (or anything really for that matter), I wouldn't consider it a deal breaker. I'd just come out and say it because unless you're planning on either changing your personalities/hobbies or you're not going to be with this person for a long time, it's gonna come out eventually anyways.
I'm all for up front honesty about interests. maybe don't open with it though. When the topic of hobbies or interests comes up I'd say "I find Japanese culture to be very interesting, so a few of my hobbies revolve around that." The trick is I think to seem like a normal person who just happens to have an interest in Anime and video games, instead of some animu crazed psycho which the media and most others portray us as. Unless of course you are that animu crazed psycho in which case, maybe better to tell her rather than hide it, lol. she's probably gonna find out eventually anyway.
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