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Dating is tough lol.

I agree to some point. I'm actually more middle ground in that I don't require social interaction irl for long periods of time but I do like physical affection and sex from a real person. But otherwise I tend to just find people annoying and would rather have my own space. I like to do my own thing and never have someone tell me what to do or ask me to do stuff for them.
I don't even like sexual interaction with a real human. I actually dont care for it. You know what I do now that I actually have my silicone doll? I just hug it and comb its hair. But anyway I give up trying to talk and interact with humans. It's worthless and a waste of time. I came on here to try and interact but all humans seem the same to me. I don't need social interaction to survive like them. I actually find it stupid.
I must really annoy you for you to reply, let's see if I get another one.
You don't annoy me, you're just a dumb fuck and I have no issues telling you such. If you hate people so much, leave. By staying, you're proving your hypocrisy. So, let's see your halfass retort attempting to insult me while making yourself look more of a lying, attention-seeking retard.
Oct 25, 16 at 1:03pm
Tut tut... Though I agree, there also seems to be more to this story.
Na, I never heard of this guy until this thread. Pointing out peoples stupidity is what I do best.
Oct 25, 16 at 1:08pm
Yeah, I understand and I'd be a hypocrite if I said I haven't done the same. However, to put it nicely, he seems..."off". But, I know this comment will only stir the pot.
Oct 25, 16 at 1:08pm
can you point out my stuperpidity
Off is putting it nicely. I don't sugarcoat shit. Kid hates people; hates it here, and claims he wants no interactions with people, then leave. Seems like a simple solution to a stupid problem. Maybe his blowup doll can comfort him. Guru, I don't know you, nor ever saw you post unless you changed your avatar/display name.
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