Anime Fall 2016

Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
Anime Fall 2016
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
What's everybody watching this season? Any good action packed supernatural shows coming up or already out?

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
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Anime Fall 2016
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
I'm watching show by rock season 2

readordie_wow @readordie_wow
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Anime Fall 2016
readordie_wow @readordie_wow
Nearly added the entire 2016 crunchyroll fall line-up to my list...
As for mentionables, Iron Blooded Orphans has returned, Izetta is pretty cool , but I'm kinda partial to witches anyways (set during WW2), Trickster seems nice as well and maybe Soul Buster? Tho I ain't started that one yet.
I reckon only Izetta really fits what you are looking for but the last two kinda do I guess.

Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
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Anime Fall 2016
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
Hmm, I'm going to look into those. Thanks man.

readordie_wow @readordie_wow
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Anime Fall 2016
readordie_wow @readordie_wow
Cheers mate!
Find anything of note?

Horrorhead @farewellblues0
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Anime Fall 2016
Horrorhead @farewellblues0

twinamds @twinamds
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Anime Fall 2016
twinamds @twinamds
Izetta the last witch:
Bungo Stray Dogs (Season 2):
BBK/BRNK (Season 2):

Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
commented on
Anime Fall 2016
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
@readordie_Havent been watching much lately. Ive been binging the crap out of this Disney live action show called Lab Rats. I saw some of the second season of BBK/BRNK. I want to get my anime fix on later on tonight.

neeto @neet_one
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Anime Fall 2016
neeto @neet_one
Flip flappers, Drifters, Show by rock, Natsume go, vivid strike, Brave witches, Stella no mahou, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Teekyuu, as well as continuing the current seasons of precure, fairilu and cocotama.

illuminatus571 @illuminatus571
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Anime Fall 2016
illuminatus571 @illuminatus571
Don't know about action packed but I'm watching through 3-Gatsu no Lion, WWW.Working and Fune wo Amu. Rewatching Natsume Yujinchou before watching season 5. Wanted to check out Occultic;Nine but holding off until I hear more about it. Same with BBK/BRNK
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