Who misses DIGIMON ?
Sakuamon @sakuamon
Who misses DIGIMON ?
Sakuamon @sakuamon
Is there anyone out there besides me who no only misses DIGIMON , but also REMEMBERS it ?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
ME! i miss it, i am currently re watching it though so that helps lol. on a side note there is a great free to play MMO for digimon, it is called digimon masters
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
*raises hand* I will never forget my first digimon *sigh*
animeangel09189 @animeangel09189
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
animeangel09189 @animeangel09189
Who doesn't miss digimon?
season one for the win
marc0 @marc0
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
marc0 @marc0
Agree^ everyone misses digimon
Kyetge! @kyetge
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I liked it before pokemon! :D I was a small child with no criteria, so I enjoyed watching both.
But the story behind Digimon... it gives me this strange, nostalgic feeling in my gut.
Rosie @rosie
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
Rosie @rosie
awww i miss it lol it brings back so much memory's :)
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
digimon had the better show, but pokemon had the better games. but i loved both so much =)
mobored101 @mobored101
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Who misses DIGIMON ?
mobored101 @mobored101
i miss digimon.i want to play digimon world
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