Manga_bird @manga_bird
Manga_bird @manga_bird
How do you guys make routines and actually stick to them?
Whenever I decide I'm going to make one, or do something, I always end up breaking it within a week.
I said I was going to do exercise, that didn't happen.
I said I'd regularly clean the house on set days - that lasted two or three weeks.
I said I'd do writing - lasted a day.
Does anyone actually manage to keep to things they say they'll do? I'm seriously lacking in drive and focus.
Rain @rainx
commented on
Rain @rainx
Theres an old adage I use to psych myself up mentally and motivate myself to do things that are less appealing but you know you need to get them done.
"Swallow the frog."
i.e. get the crappy stuff done for the day first and reward yourself or relax afterwards. Works for getting off my ass an getting my exercises in as well as other stuff.
At the end of the day, it comes down to will power and over coming the mental block of being lazy. I know depression plays a huge role in this stuff too. Easiest thing is just to make small changes over time. Dont expect your mental state and motivations to automatically change overnight. Its something for a lot of people that can take months.
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
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taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
I really dont know, I often stick to a routine because I take baby steps.
When I wanted to start writing daily I started through really small goals.
I would write 100 words daily for a week, and the next week I would try 200. And so on and so on, really baby steps until writing ended up becoming easy.
It took me long but I was able to stick to it.
Shytaku @shy_otaku
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Shytaku @shy_otaku
Basically everything taletellerinabox said. In terms of exercising, I couldn't even manage 5 push-ups like 4 months ago... so I started with one. WOO HOO ONE A DAY IS EASY ENOUGH, RIGHT?!?! And it was! After a week I added one more, but by then I wanted to do 5, and so I did; it was now possible! I gave myself another week before adding more considering I don't have the most able of bodies. It's the most important rule for keeping a schedule/habit/goal: don't burn out or over do it. As long as you're consistent with your efforts, even if it's 5 mins a day, you'll naturally want to improve (if it's important enough that is). In short, START SMALL. Even if you have to start small for one or two months, JUST START!!! (...but small~)
I haven't checked how many push-ups I can do in a row, but I can easily pass 30 and long story short, I AM NOW 20LBS LIGHTER THAN I WAS 4 MONTHS AGO!!! WHY?!?! BECAUSE I ALSO SET A MONTHLY GOAL OF LOSING 5LBS PER MONTH!!! It was all thanks to Wii Fit, exercise bike, Pokemon Go, and strength training everyday! (except for Sundays since that's my rest days) BUT NOT ONLY THAT... it was because (*wheeze wheeze*) I BELIEVED IN MYSELF!!! Right now my BMI is within the normal range but my perfect weight is 10lbs lighter than I am now... so basically by the end of October, if I continue my 5lb streak, I should officially be 119lbs! Pretty cool desuyo-ne?!? I'M PRETTY COOL DESU-YO-NE?!?! ("SHUT UP!!!") (#LAUGHTRACK)
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
I kidnap someone and ductape them to the cieling, and make them hold me accountable. They get food if they boss me around and make me not procrastinate on things.
neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
You just stick with it until it eventually becomes part of you.
Cero @cero
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Cero @cero
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