Yo! Whats your talent?

taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
Yo! Whats your talent?
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
Everyone is good at something, so whats your talent? It can be something as simple as whistling (my deepest respect for this warriors who can do it)
Cooking, being good at a game, can your tongue actually reach your nose?
Im good at telling tales in public, and making really bad jokes for the evil boss of the lair.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I know what my talents are, but I kinda have a hard time defining them without sounding pretentious. For example: I love to write, but I'm not much of a writer, so I call myself a creator instead.
-puts pretentious glasses on-
I'm somewhat of a local legend in HVZ around Athens. Its because I have a renowned sense of perception when it comes to spotting people hiding, and a sharp reaction speed with deadly nerf gun accuracy when they jump out at me. I'm renowned for being a really tough human for the zombies to kill.
-tightens pretentious belt-
I could not only sense spirits, but am equipped to do battle with them as well.
-ascends to Bono level-

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
neeto @neet_one
I'm very good at wasting time.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Talent? I have all talents.
Every single one of them.

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
JackTechno @jacktechno
Hmm, I think I'm good at being a Jack-of-all-trades (no pun intended :P). I like learning about different art styles and techniques, even though I may not master them.
I'd also say that I'm good at taking care of my good friends.

Shytaku @shy_otaku
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
Shytaku @shy_otaku
I'm good at drawing kawaii anime-gurlz but wanna become GREAT!!! I think I'm pretty good at making stories with relatable characters, but my grammar/sentence-structure can use some work (that and I constantly use parenthesis) (#WOMP) (I'd be dead without spellcheck!) (I had to double-check how to spell parenthesis!!) (I even had to made sure what a parenthesis was!!). I'm average at Smash Bros (Wii U) and I'm really bad at social settings~ I'm also... really bad at finding a girlfriend~ (#blush)

lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy
im very good at killing people

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
I don't know I work out...I cook...I draw...I sing and play instruments...Sometimes I write. But I'm not talented at any of it.

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
I am extremely talented at making puns ^^

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Yo! Whats your talent?
Sunbae @alanzd
I can perform an accurate double-tap to the upper chest and above from 20m away ~
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