Type of gamer are you?

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Type of gamer are you?
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
what type of gamer are you?
I play them a lot but for fun mostly :D

jaydwen @jaydwen
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
jaydwen @jaydwen
Fuckin casual. :p I am definitely a hardcore gamer.

baileysparks @baileysparks
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
baileysparks @baileysparks
Hardcore as fuck XD

gone @mrdragonballzv
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Type of gamer are you?
gone @mrdragonballzv
hardcore to the max

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
neeto @neet_one
PC master race.
(i7-4790k, 16gbddr3 1600, hx750i, z97 x3, gtx970)
Used to be something of a sony fanboy but lost interest in current consoles as the leap in tech isn't very substantial and there aren't many current gen console exclusive that are very appealing to me.
I mostly stick to single player games, often driving types but mix it up a lot. I hit most of the aaa tittles as they come around, but avoid mmos and mobas. Not big into rpgs or vns but I give em a shot every now and then.

Shytaku @shy_otaku
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Type of gamer are you?
Shytaku @shy_otaku
Casually Hardcore :P (or just Nintendo Fanboy...)

Dan the dapper man @zmadman69
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Type of gamer are you?
Dan the dapper man @zmadman69
I fall I to the master race of PC gamer as well then 8 (8core CPU at 3.8 GHz, 32 GB ddr3 gskilk ripjaw, nvidia gtx 9800)

Kagehoshi @kagehoshi
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
Kagehoshi @kagehoshi
Playing mmorpg. Guild of war 2. /witcher 3/tomf raider/ pc spec with a Fx 6300 overclock to 4.5ghz, 8gd ripjawn, gaming msi 970 crucial ssd hdd,msi radeon 7730 need to change that graphic for another one. Starting to lag

ArthurAsp @mario241
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
ArthurAsp @mario241
Been mostly a console pleb all my life XD. Now I just play a lot of League, Smash Bros on my Wii U and a lot of stuff on my PS4.

leo @coolerthanleo1
commented on
Type of gamer are you?
leo @coolerthanleo1
The kind that prefers story to multi player
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