Favourite Anime Waifu?

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Favourite Anime Waifu?
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Whats your favourite anime Waifu?
My number 1 is Rias Gremory from High School DxD

Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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Illuminous @illuminous
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Illuminous @illuminous
Katsuragi is mine ^-^

Freakpanda @freakpanda
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Freakpanda @freakpanda
Most likely Esdeath

ouma_adam @ouma_adam
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
Too hard to pick one, but at the moment i'm really feeling Sonan Kyouko from Kenzen http://www113.sakura.ne.jp/~undermine/image/01075.jpg

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
If I took waifuism seriously, I probably would go off the deep end with it and become the worst kind of otaku stereotype, even delving into tulpamancy to bring her to life. But here are three characters who really do hold a place in my heart. Guess I have a thing for warm hearted wierdos. XD
Amane Tachibana - Canvas: Motif de sepia:
Ohana Matsumae - Hanasaku Iroha:
Tohru Honda - Furuba (Fruits Basket):

JackTechno @jacktechno
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
JackTechno @jacktechno

Cero @cero
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Cero @cero
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MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Ryuko Matoi as always

Cid @tylor
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Favourite Anime Waifu?
Cid @tylor
I will claim one of the 3 goddesses of everything the one and only super genius Little Washu
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