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Women approaching men

Nov 18, 16 at 2:51pm
Mamma mia this salt is too much for me http://i.imgur.com/FflohQi.gif
Nov 18, 16 at 3:05pm
Kassandra, I actually read it all and really, he wasn't some sort of sadistic, cheating, womanizing player. He declined twice, wanted to be friends, talked about how cute you are (which is some how "leading on"), you kept talking despite this and seemed to want to sway him despite being rejected. If you respected his decision, you would've made it clear that talking sexually or about how you look, makes you uncomfortable,confused and it's unfair to you. But, you said nothing about it confusing you, unless something is missing. You lead him to rethink, but ultimately still realize he wasn't ready for anything other than a friendship with you. I see no "fuckboi" "player" thing in any of this, just paranoia and ego. I was expecting some real serious shit. But, this? Come on... I'm not taking sides, just commenting since you seemingly like to make private matters public.
when will it end? can we all just move on? the time for all of this has passed. mistakes were made, arguments were had, names were called.
Nov 18, 16 at 3:20pm
"This"? Stating opinions or...? People vent, albeit not exactly in a very smart manner. Maybe we should just be passive aggressive(noice) or just post memes in a passive aggressive stance instead.
Sweet more of a fire im so ready!!!!
Nov 18, 16 at 3:24pm
Napalm, I to enjoy conflict, but it really is time this died. I was just pointing out a bit of hypocrisy. But, with any luck.. Who knows?
Hai guise. What's goin on in here?
It always happens when my salvos are locked up thoooo and trust me after I start lighting shit up itd be over cause everyone would just go offline for a week
what? no, i meant this whole snake and kassandra thing. what are you talking about? i understand stating opinions. But why is this whole ordeal stretching out for so long?
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