Otaku Challenge
panda @death543
Otaku Challenge
panda @death543
Ok so the game goes like this
1 You post a pic of an anime or manga character
2 The person below you has to guess which character that is and what series his from
3 Then that person posts a pic of an anime character and the cycle continues
4 Though if you fail to guess correctly....you owe the person above you a solid
Got it good
Simple really I hope you enjoy ....I'll do first
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Otaku Challenge
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
1) Hisoka - Hunter X Hunter series
2) Does it HAVE to be anime? can it be Manga?
3) the punishment should be up to whoever was right, just saying. Like have that person tell the loser what to do/write/post
4) Google reverse image is gonna be used a lot
5) Name BOTH of them
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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Otaku Challenge
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
*is not an otaku*
Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Milly Thompson
neeto @neet_one
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Otaku Challenge
neeto @neet_one
Atsuko Higuchi
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Otaku Challenge
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Oh gawd... Its like someone's Di Gi Charat OC cosplaying Sakura... You got me, neet-one, I'm seriously at a loss here. Like she looks so darn familiar, but I just can't place her. XD
Someone else get this one.
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