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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

Interesting later I will update a reply to this.
It's a little unfair to claim that girls always do that, don't you think? I'm taking these words from another person, but I don't think it's a good idea when you go into a relationship (platonic or otherwise) with an agenda and a checklist. The reason why some people don't give special attention to nice peopl, me included, is because nice people are nice to everybody. It's not that they don't see you as romantic material, it's because they think they aren't being treated specially. What's wrong with being somone's friend? It's a nice thing to hear and to be when someone calls me that. At least they don't think you're insignificant, right?
@sunbea I said before, I don't go in with an agenda. I am still friends with all of them and they are always asking me for relationship advise, and that always leeds back to the same statement "why can't I find a guy just like you, you are sweet, caring, and an overall great person"
Dan, They're trying not to hurt you when they say that. Really, all they should say is they just don't see you as anything more than a friend. You say you don't go in with an agenda? Then why be upset when feelings beyond a friendship aren't reciprocated? I apologize if this comes across as an attack, but I can only go off of what you're saying here.If they think you're kind and caring, roll with it. At some point, as long as you keep an open eye, you'll find someone who feels the same about you as you do about them.
I agree with yas! You can only be disappointed if you had an agenda
Just be nice and a respectful person to everybody in general. Not just because you want to be with them. That's pretty shitty. And, show you want to make an effort in getting to know them. Also girls tend to want or go for someone who has something going for them. Ideas, skills, money, status and popularity... or mystery, things in common. But also humor. Looks can be a strong plus as well. Don't act needy or overly eager and you will probably be just fine. Most importantly, you should definitely lose the fedora... it's a fashion taboo in this day and age and is constantly made fun of. Not trying to be mean here, just trying to help.
The disapointment only come when I start feeling like i am not ment to find someone, that I am " for lack of being able to fine the right words" doing something wrong
@ bear0 it is not a fedora...it is a panama
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And many men grow up thinking all they need is arm candy. Dan, Despite what many say, I don't think everyone is meant to find or will find someone. There is no guarantee or right. However, having a defeatist attitude will only ensure being lonely. That or, you'll just settle for anything, even if it means never knowing what love should truly be. Here's what you're doing wrong, you think to much. You worry when there's no need and get jealous of something you don't even know about. What I mean is, you probably over analyse every detail, while missing what's in front of you, while envying others that you really know nothing about. You've put having a relationship on a pedestal and seem to think without one, life is lonely. You're defining yourself by your ability to get or not get a relationship. You are more than that. If you're alone, be happy. If you're in a relationship, be happy. Easier said than done, I know. I also know that I've definitely been a hypocrite, but I also know and can admit my flaws, even if I find some very hard to let go of.
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