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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

@ yaasshat and maydragon I am not saying that I should be rewarded for being nice, I was brought up to always, and I mean ALWAYS walk a lady to the car, to her door, open doors for her, pull out chairs and do all that is chivilrious. Not to be nice to get the girl...I am still friends with all of these girls because I like them as people not just as someone who I want to be with. That would be an asinine thing to do. May be the fact that I have so many female friends is also part of the problem but I am not going to forgo a friendship for the same of trying to find a relationship.
Just not a right person. I'd friendzoned two of my friends, and yes, they're nice guy. But I don't think we would doing well together as couple.
Being nice isn't the only think we look for in a guy. Maybe they don't find your physically attractive, don't feel they have a connection with you or have interested in someone else. Who knows but we don't friend zone every nice guy. You just perhaps aren't having luck or going for the wrong girls.
@dan i know your feel bro once friendzoned by a girl who had a crush on a different guy who actually hit her and was super mean to her girls i will never understand them
"Nice guy" has a rather negative connotation in this day and age with girls. They view it as a way a guy is just trying to get with them or they see these kinds of guys are being "nice" to them = access to getting into their pants. This on top of the stigma of the same kind of guy being introverted, vanilla in interests, and a boring person overall. The problem where I think a lot of nice guys fail, and I admittedly have fallen into this trap too, is instead of admitting ones own potential flaws and possibly working on them for self improvement, they just rail against the "douchebags" of the world and why they'd be such better bfs if only girls would give them a chance. Comparing yourself to another guy or potential rivals for a girls affection is a great way for a girl to be turned off to you, because it can show your insecurity when being compared to other guys, and in turn can be a big turn off to girls. The best advice I can give to the "nice" guys out there is don't expect your surface nice personality to be the lone thing a girl looks at. Any girl who is going to want a serious relationship with you is going to look beyond that and your actions, words, and how you carry yourself will speak volumes to that. It's why a lot of nice guys, including myself admittedly sometimes, don't get beyond a few dates with a girl. Stop comparing yourself to other guys and work on improving yourself overall. Try to be a bit more social with others and expand your interests to something beyond anime and video games. Even if it's just going for a hike in the woods or maybe learning a new hobby or skill. These are the things girls will look at on deciding who to potentially date and you will seem far more interesting to them instead of two flavors of vanilla like you might have in the past to other girls. It won't happen over night, but baby steps and a self conscious effort can lead to overall self improvement for yourself and better luck in the dating game.
@Panda It's simple, just act like Jared's Joker and you will get some nice ass. http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Jared-Leto-Joker-Suicide-Squad.jpg
@mana i have to be a gangster clown? hold up someone get me some make up and a bandana
@Panda Don't forget the tats.
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