What music you hear to get inspired?

marc0 @marc0
What music you hear to get inspired?
marc0 @marc0
Just wondering, when you want to get inspired do you hear music? In case you do what do you listen?

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
inspired do you mean for writing or for life in general?

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Music is absolutely essential for me to get inspired or in the mood for certain activities.
For instance, if need to write up some material on a fantasy scsenario ( PnP RP ) i put on some iron maiden or panthera, any sweet classic metal sound will do.
If i on the other hand need to write sci-fi, i listen to prodigy and chiptunes of various styles.
If i need to get into a party mood and drink beers, it is impossible to do it to anything but sweet, sweet Ska.

deracof @deracof
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What music you hear to get inspired?
deracof @deracof
To draw it would be anything anime related (right now the high school of the dead intro gets me going)
Play guitar or wake its metal mainly old style KoRn or surfacing by slipknot

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
when i am writing i try to find a song that fits what i am writing about or what the mood/scene is in what i am trying to come up with.

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
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What music you hear to get inspired?
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
It depends on what I'm doing, generally I feel that free flowing creative music, psychedelic and jazz and stuff gives a greater atmosphere for creativity, but you can also get it so that you listen to apropriate music, like for example, listening to Kraftwerk while drawing robots, or listening to Hawkwind when drawing something cosmic/trippy. Jazz is the best for writing though, there's like no question.
My music comes from all sources, so anything I like can influence it. It makes creating a coherent demo kinda tricky though, but it's mixing all them influences together is what creates your style. Anybody who only listens to one area of music are doing themselves a major disservice.

Rosie @rosie
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Rosie @rosie
Well for me its Britney Spears all her songs well her old ones xD

Crobi @noire
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Crobi @noire
Hmm... Anything really, but I really love Apocalyptica. Like. FOR SERIOUS. Anytime I need motivation, I listen to them.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
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What music you hear to get inspired?
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
Motivation?? Listen to sun rises okami totally inspiring

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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What music you hear to get inspired?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
My case, if is school work/writing; stuff from Death Note. Like Light's theme, smart music like that. If is just trivial stuff any pop and jrock on shoutcast will do. After that depending on my mood I will listen to everything. Ambient music from anime can be very handy. :)
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