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Self Reflection V 1

Aug 11, 16 at 5:23pm
I have worked up a bit of a questionnaire for anybody interested. In total there are 8 questions if you wish to answer any. 1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so?
Aug 11, 16 at 6:02pm
1. Don't know because I haven't ran into a time constraint issue...yet. 2. Moral? By what definition? I have my issues, but overall I interact with society quite well. 3. Way to vague of a question. I'm defined many ways by many people. As for me, I cannot define myself by strictly one characteristic. 4. I'm happy with who I am, not how I am. 5. None. Everything has combined, good and bad, to make me who I am. 6. My biggest goal is to be a good father and I'm maybe a few years away from that. 7. Truth. (Staying vague, so as to make you think.;P) 8. They're less complicated than if you were to actually talk to me in person. Now a question for you. What's the point here aside from a little introspection (and an easy way to weed out people)?
Aug 11, 16 at 6:25pm
Introspection mainly for others and curiosity in why one person may think a certain way. Thank you for the feedback though.
Aug 11, 16 at 9:02pm
Seems interesting! 1. I wouldn't say I can freely do it now, but now I am able to travel to any country as long as A. I am allowed there, and, B. I have the time to do so 2. By my morals, yes. By someone else's morals? Probably not. Because I treat everyone equally until they give me a reason not to. Same thing with equal respect. 3. A very loaded question, but I guess I define myself based on my morals and my sentimentality. Of course. Most people do not stay the same forever. 4. Compared to the past? I feel like I felt powerless back then, but I kind of feel that way now, but now, I think there are more opportunities to gain power if that makes sense. Happy with myself? Most likely not. I could always be better. Happy with my current life? 100% yes. 5. too personal! Sorry! 6. In terms of practical goal, I'd like to make my way through the ranks in the law field. Hopefully, and it is a huge hopefully, I can either make it to the top as a US Supreme Court Justice, or, an International Prosecutor. Mainly working under the United Nations and focusing on the prosecution of criminals who violate human rights. But, that is a huge hopefully haha! My competition are people who are attending Ivy Leagues. In terms of the sentimental part of life, like Yas, I'd like to be a father. At least as good of a father as mine was to me. 7. Commitment and equality 8. Beating around the bush!
Aug 12, 16 at 1:09am
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? walk 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? Yes. It doesn't take much when compared to most people out there. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? I define myself as myself. No, I used to be more naive and submission when I was younger. 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? yes 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? not investing in bitcoin when I first heard about it. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? living alone, about 1-2% of the way there. 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? long term commitments. 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? Don't I have better things to do than this?
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? The only thing I can think of is that I finally got my diver's license but I hate driving and avoid it as much as possible. 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? Yes, the only thing I've ever done that I felt guilty over was lying a few times. I'm something of a goody two-shoes. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? I'm just a collection of sounds and images. They change, but the central theme is always the same. 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? No, I liked myself a lot better when I was in the fourth grade. 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? The abusive relationship that almost destroyed my life. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? Staying alive. Since I'm typing this, I'm doing pretty good. 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? Someone caring for me as much as I care for them. 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? I'll probably always be hung up on some things and I'm too critical of myself, but I'm learning to practice active self-love.
Aug 12, 16 at 9:41am
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? I wasn't fluent in Japanese 10 years ago, and I am now, so there's something. 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? Based on my actions? I would say I am mostly in the moral right, but if we include inaction, then I have a lot to work on. The reason is simply that I spend too much of my life focused on myself rather than others. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? There are too many variables to cover the first part of the question, but as for the second part; I have changed drastically. 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? In some ways. I would say I'm wiser now, but I also still have a lot of traits that I want to eliminate. 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? I have a pretty horrible childhood experience that I'd rather not discuss in detail here. Needless to say, it had a profound impact on my life, and not in a good way. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? My main goal is simply to feel better about myself, and I'm a damn sight better off than I was a year ago at least. I'm not sure if I'll ever be back to the level of confidence I had seven or eight years ago, though. 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? For a certain segment of people that I've known for many years, I hold them incredibly important and try to never neglect them. At the same time, I value my alone time, and even with my closest family members I very rarely call or write. My parents tend to assume that if I haven't called, things are going well, and I'm the same with them. 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? That I doubt anyone will really read them. :P
@Shawnji: I've read all your posts. >:) (And #5... Damn, guys.) :( ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Not really sure. I don't see talents as something I can or can't do. If I see something I want to do, I try to learn how to do it. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ I make no conscious effort to be morally upright, but when I really look at myself, I would say I most certainly am. Being moral is about more than avoiding being immoral. And its not about judging others who are more tempted by things in the world than you are. Action plays a key in morality. Do your actions leave others better than the way you found them? Do you define your actions as constructive, or destructive? I've always aligned with constructive. The only real moral philosophy I have is non-violation. So suffice to say, I generally have an aversion towards taking actions that undermine a person's free will, or sense of personal comfort. That of course leaves me more prone to inaction which may be just as harmful as destructive action, so I wouldn't regard that alone as making me moral. But I also contribute to the world, even in small ways. I make an effort to brighten people's days, or lend a hand to help them grow themselves. I think that makes me more "Moral" than the person who sits on a high horse and condemns others for their actions while he/she isn't exactly adding value to their lives. And likewise I have nothing but respect for people who struggle with the path, since they at least put forth the effort to be better people than they feel they are. Anyways, that's enough on subjective beliefs of morality, time to move on. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ I don't really know. I fit into a lot of labels, and have plenty of them that I don't fit into. There's no easy way to define someone while capturing who they are. I guess the most common words I use for self definitions are "Otaku"|"Introvert/Hermit"|"Creator"|"Writer"|"RPer"|"Gamer"|"Nocturnal" and to add to that, a few labels friends have left me with "The other twin"|"Romanticized realist"|"Interesting"|"Mysterious" (Yeah, I dunno why I give off that vibe. I always consider myself pretty transparent. :/ ) I am a very different person than who I was in high school and middle school. But I feel like I've been the same person for the past six years. Heck, sometimes I still feel like I haven't aged past 24, the way I still get mistaken for being 18. XD ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Course I am. I've grown comfortable with myself. I've found my self love, my self confidence, and self respect. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ I can't really think of anything off the top of my head. I've had my share of traumatic experiences, but its not as though I've never taken away anything helpful from them. I've gone through my phase of self healing, so its not as though I continue to be scarred for life by them. Whether that means my scars were just not as deep as others, or that I haven't suffered as much as others, I feel is irrelevant. I have been through enough to empathize and understand others. That's what's important. Thinking it through from that perspective, perhaps the answer is "no". ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Yeah, that would be this. (You don't need to feel obligated to donate, I haven't run any PR campaigns yet, so I'm alright with where I'm at right now.) https://www.patreon.com/patchworknovels And I've finally started picking up more momentum lately... Strangely enough because I lost the job I got to finance the project in the first place. lol ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Oh gawd, are you trying to get me to dump a three page essay!? XD I think the most important relationship anyone can ever have is the relationship with their own self. And I won't elaborate, because doing so may undermine the belief I have of the importance of forging bonds with others. But then I run the risk of sounding like I'm just plagiarizing Persona 4. Oh hell, I'll give it a shot. To me, every relationship I have with another means something different. And I'd go as far as to say relationships, bonds, connections, and all that stuff are life's meaning. Yeah, I know, a strange thing for an introvert who spends 80% of his time in front of a computer to say. But I make friends very easily, and I tend to forge friendships on a deeper level than many casual friendships. Which is why I can go for a long time between seeing people, step back into their lives, and just kinda pick up where we last left off as if a day hasn't passed. I tend to make friends for the long haul, you know? As for beliefs, to their meaning, as I said, every individual relationship means something different to me. Its like when a relationship reaches a certain point (Lol, not talking about maxing out a social link, I'm talking about something more dynamic), we end up sharing a piece of ourselves, and taking that with us. That's what individual relationships mean to me. At least on the micro level. I'm starting to feel a bit lazy though. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ They call me a romanticized realist for a reason, I guess. :)
1) What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? -- I can now do my chores properly. I am also slowly learning to let go of being too particular with plans and schedules. It used to be a real struggle for me, but now at least I'm learning. I think? 2) Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? -- Yes, very much so. I have a very strong set of non-negotiable values and morals that I adhere to since I was very young. I've always felt that I owe a lot of where I am and what I have now to a lot of people in my life and that every action I do is defined by how they would perceive or be affected by it. I don't want to disappoint any of my loved ones, my idealistic past self, and my possible progeny in any way. 3) What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? -- In a lot of ways, yes, but I feel that the "core me" has remained unchanged. There are things about me that has remained the same since I was barely a teenager and I think these things will remain with me forever no matter how far or how old I get in life. 4) Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? -- I feel like I've always been generally happy with myself at any point of my life, whether in the past or present. I have imperfections just like every one else, but I don't think they hinder my overall happiness as a person. 5) If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? -- Nothing, to be perfectly honest. Or maybe I can't just think of one right now? 6) What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? -- I used to say that I wanted to inspire people in large numbers to be passionate, or at the very least care, about the thing I love, which is the ocean. But I've long since learned to set more realistic goals for myself. If I could convince and make aware at least one person about caring for the ocean (and nature, if we're talking bigger picture), I think I've done an okay job. 7) What do connections and relationships mean to you? -- Connections are made based on pure chance. It's your own choice and free will that further these connections into relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, etc). Choosing to build a "relationship" with someone comes with the requisites, trust and respect. 8) What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? -- Not my best. I could always do better. :)
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? eat properly 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? yeah i guess ?? i havent killed anyone or stolen stuff 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? someone who goes crazy sometimes but a good person i think ahahaha ?? 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? yeah more or less 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? huh being sick 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? get stable !! baby steps still baby steps 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? people are made for them tbh !! no man is an island 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? nothing just filled out the questions coz im bored ahahaha
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