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Self Reflection V 1

1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? Be happy 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? Depends I am a hacktivist and I try to do good 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? I pretty much remained the same 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? Nope I don't really experience happiness 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? Finanal problems 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? I say meeting people and I came a long way from not even wanting to do something like this 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? I see them as an opportunity to get me out of my shell and live a little 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? I need to stop being so scared of people
Nov 03, 16 at 5:49am
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Nov 03, 16 at 7:11am
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? - Standing up for myself and being more assertive, for the longest time it was like i had my spine surgically removed i was such a pussy 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? - Well aside from being bit of a cunt yea i would consider myself to be morally upright 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? - Strange/Weird would be how i define myself and having changed yea i would say i have, used to be more the lonely kid in the corner kinda unsociable then i developed a personality 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? - Yea i am. Kind of a bland answer 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? - Probably my parents splitting up 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? - becoming independent, but i am not even close to that 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? - To me relationships they are something to cherish and hold onto because they are what makes a life fulfiling, unless you dont like someone then fuck'em 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? - Why are the questions so vauge
Nov 03, 16 at 10:07am
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1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? i couldnt wear whatever i wanted out in public, i used to wear jackets and long sleeves because people would often make comments on how skinny my arms were and it bothered me. now i really dont care and wear whatever. 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? i havent done anything really bad like kill a person (obviously) but i've done some things i consider to be bad. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? a nice person who cares about others and lives life the way he wants to....i feel some things have changed but its pretty much the same personality 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? im very much happy with the person i am today compared to who i was in the past...but i feel like i still have a little bit more that needs to change 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? nothing, everything up until now is what made me who i am. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? my biggest goal is living a successful life. one free of worry and where i determine what i want to do with my life. so far im not in reach of that 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? sort of like a bond between two people 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? i just hope i answered them correctly and didnt get confused by the question lol
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1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? Hold my tongue. 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? I'm a moral relativist. I don't think anything is inherently moral or immoral, but we make decisions as a species as to what is or isn't moral based on what we collectively think is more or less beneficial to our communities and/or race as a whole. I strive not to harm anyone, and I strive for truth in all things, but I don't define those as morals because based on my observation of others, too often "morality" Is used as a justification for being mean, cruel, or even inhumane to others, which I can't get behind. there are a few things I have in the realm of sexual fantasy that most would find "Immoral" I think, but I myself do not see it as such because it is strictly fantasy and again, I don't like causing others harm. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? I find it hard to define myself because I'm constantly changing as I learn more about myself and the world around me. I've had major changes in my personality roughly 4 or 5 times in my life. 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? Yes, I think I've progressed in a mostly positive direction. tho I think I still have much left to improve. 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? One of the instances when I was a kid and hurt someone, causing them to carry it into their later years. I wish I could erase it not for myself, but for their sake. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? My biggest goal is and has always been to be a father/family man. I want my own insular group of people some who are my progeny which I can care for and gain support from. I have no idea how to progress towards this though. because most advice I've received on the issue is "wait and see. it'll happen" which doesn't exactly help for being able to chart progression. It seems to be a much more daunting task than anything relating to career, attainment of skills, or financial gain. 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? Connections is people who I know, who I can gain assistance from in areas of socializing, business ventures, or other types of networking. Relationship can mean many things as there are many types. Familial, Friendly, and Romantic. which are all pretty self explanatory I think 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? They are true and honest to the best of my knowing. I think some may find them a bit too analytical. But that's pretty much my method of introspection so I dunno what else to say about that.
1. What's one thing that you couldn't do in the past defined by however long a length of time you like that you can now? I couldn't ignore people before but I can now. It's better not to acknowledge people who just like to put you down or challenge your values. Unless they are nice and caring about it. 2. Would you consider yourself a morally upright character based on your actions up to this point? Why would be the reason for that answer? I don't know the answer to that. Morality is subjective to each individual in my opinion. 3. What do you define as yourself and have you remained the same or changed moreover? I define myself as a fantasy person. I don't like reality to much. 4. Are you happy with yourself compared to who you were in the past? Yes! Fantasy day dreaming is better then reality living. The proper definition is "weeaboo" I think though. Not listening to everyone except specific people who are interested in talking to me. 5. If you could remove one instance in your life that you don't like for whatever reason you predetermine what would it be? I'd remove my ability to learn. To me ignorance and retardation is bliss. If your ignorant then you don't care lol. 6. What would you say is your biggest goal and how far have you come to the point of reaching it? My biggest goal was being able to beat all characters in super smash bros including top tiers with just Ganondorf in tournament level play. And I believe I have achieved my goal finally! I'm able to beat Rosalina and luma along with shiek and Sonic with Ganondorf against tournament level users. My new goal seems to be pushing me towards biology. I don't know figuring out how to beat a virus or manipulate it for a humans benefit seems just as fun as a fighting game. I just click with understanding biology so that's my next goal. 7. What do connections and relationships mean to "you"? Connections and relationships to me mean that I can actually be me while my friends accept me unconditionally. I'm considered very selfish which is why I'm looking for love. Love in my terms means "love is always ready to forgive". Since I'm selfish and always want what I want when I want it love will always forgive me. Since I like my definition of "love" I will always be ready to forgive the person I'm in a relationship or am connected with as well. A Yandere girl basically explains what I mean except I don't want her to actually kill anyone. I wouldn't mind stopping her if she gets the urge to kill though. 8. What are your thoughts on all the answers you provided if you did so? Some people will hate me and some people will understand me. I just have to ignore the haters and go after the people who understand me and people who make me feel happy.
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