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Are you often misunderstood?

All the time, I think I come off as this really serious, high strung guy but I'm actually quite laid back and can be silly but to me there is a time and a place. I think the 'serious' vibe has turned potential partners off. Not really sure what to do about it, I prefer to just be myself but it takes time to come and appreciate me. Atleast that is from my perspective.
Who doesnt get judged on appearance. All the time unfortunately, but meh. Irl im seen as cold, distant, quite, unaffecianate, a dont bother me look, and mean. Not completely true, I am quite and just a little bit unaffecianate. It just takes me a while to warm up to you. Im uncomfortable around strangers and its not a dont bother me look. Its just I always have a straight face, not one for making facial expressions even though I force them in photos. Im really nice, to strangers an friends alike and probably more loyal and honest then most. But sometimes im very unapproachable.
I'm sure I probably come across like an ass on a site like this one, as I have very little in common with most folks here and most of my views and opinions often conflict with the general census here. Not to mention on the forums people rarely talk about things I have any interest in, and if/when I make topics for those things they're likely to get ignored (such as cute anime or games that aren't jrpgs for example) so I tend not to bother.
All the time - not just in relationships but in general. I don't know what it is about me but people often get the wrong impression of who I am. It's probably because I'm often very sarcastic, hot-headed and can be quite cynical towards certain things. I dunno, I have no idea what goes on inside people's heads most of the time.
Every single second of my existence
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