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I need some advice. How can I be a better girlfriend?

@exiledmerc aint nothing wrong with being single. But I think if this guy wants to break up with her he'd being awfully petty about it. If he wants to end it without hurting her he needs to just cut it off. prolonging things makes it worse. making it seem like she has hope that it'll work or saying not to talk to her until some set time, that doesnt seem wimpy to you? Honestly boyfriend is a pussy and should feel ashamed for not having the balls to just face her and tell her how he feels. pushing her to the point where she's basically being treated like a slave, being told not to even speak to him. OP can do so much better.
Arc: "... For instance, my girlfriend and I spend a huge amount of time with eachother, but it is beneficial to us both." Co-dependency issues FTW *hi fi* XD
It is possible that he has already tried everything he knows how to. Trying to get a break up even asking her over and over to break up. And she just won't accept it. I was in a very very clingy relationship at one time I told her flat out I wanted a break up and she would just play it off like she didn't hear me, I tried threats I tried cheating hell I ever tried insults nothing she just kept calling me her boyfriend. Now that relationship did end very very violently. Maybe all these excuses and forceful breaks are just him getting desperate to find some way out.
Lol Veru. So true XD
@exiledmerc I cant stress it enough. if it aint working. End it. I dont think OP is the clingy sort. She understands that she has to talk to them to either compromise or call a break or hell end it. she doesnt want to but if it comes to it i think she's strong enough to move on. also how cowardly do you have to be to cheat to get out of a relationship. cheating isnt the right way to handle this its just immature. face the music friend and just say it for what it is. Over. grow a pair.
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It's his fault, I only broke up with him because it's what he wanted. I mean how was I supposed to know if he ws gonna actually message me on the 17th? I just want this breakup to be something temporary until both me and him can get back on our own two feet.
*sigh* I kinda see you as a reflection of myself from what you said. Yeah I know the feels all too well. I pretty much lost the game and somebody very dear to me along with it this way. I was so afraid to lose that person, that I ended up doing just that. I get extremely obsessive, clingy, and very paranoid when I get too close to somebody. That is mainly because I've been hurt a lot in life and have a very hard time giving my trust to people, even if I have genuine feelings for them. And believe me....even though I'm a cold hearted asshole that doesn't really care about anything, when I fall for somebody....I fall hard. Up to the point when I get very close to a real life yandere. But still...it was not an excuse for my shit behavior. Sometimes I really wish I could turn back the time and fix the pile of garbage that I stacked up, because that person was truly somebody you run into only once in a lifetime. And since I've met that person, there wasn't a single day in my life when I didn't think about her despite the fact that we barely talk to each other anymore nowadays. Your story is a bit different though. If somebody gives you an ultimatum like that, then that person never really cared in the first place. I'm pretty sure that even if you two somehow worked everything out and got together again, you would break up sooner or later anyway. Therefore to be completely honest, ending it now was the best choice you could've made. I can tell you care about that guy a lot, but he just doesn't care at all. Being a man myself...if anything, I'd say it's just some kind of game for him he does out of boredom for funzies until something better comes along. Shortly said, your feelings are misplaced. You deserve somebody far better than that, and I'm pretty sure you'll find that person sooner than you think. :3 Good luck, and no matter what happens make sure to keep a smile on your face even if you don't feel like it, because the smile evil or innocent one makes 80% of human charm and beauty. ^^ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLcF3BFVEAA-zTh.jpg ^ This is btw what that special person has taught me, and I hold on to her words this day. <3
Holy cow! Two months is pretty darn fast to become so hopelessly infatuated with someone. Forgive me for being blunt, but I think you'd be better off just backing off a bit and focusing on you; it sounds like he's pretty well called it off and I think you're both going to be better off for it. There's someone out there who'll knock your socks off again, but you need to get to a place where you are more comfortable with yourself and you don't feel like you need another person to be happy the way you do now. @Lunatic of strife Dude, I'm right there with you on the "one that got away." My problem was that I put her on such a pedestal that I convinced myself I would never be good enough for her, and there was no way she could ever really love someone like me. She was also just out of high school and I was already in college, so I felt like I was just a "phase." It's crazy to think that I was actually the one to break it off. I was so sure that I was doing the right thing at the time, but I remember going home after that and just completely falling apart. I regret it sometimes, but she's married now and I assume she's happy, so in the end I think maybe it worked out the way it was supposed too. Doesn't mean I don't still wonder what could have been from time to time... *sigh* Anyway, it was a learning experience, and if I knew then what I know now I certainly wouldn't have given up on myself the way I did.
http://cdn.memecats.com/media/thumbs/embedded/130.jpg smile friend. things will be ok.
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