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I need some advice. How can I be a better girlfriend?

Have you guys actually met face to face or have you just been exclusively online only? Setting time frames and giving ultimatums like that for "a break" frankly seems a tad petty. I can understand being bombarded too much and find it a bit annoying but to me it sounds like there is more going on there than him just feeling your posting on his wall too much.
@yaasshat: I agree with everything in your initial post except for the ultimatum. It simply sounds like the compatibility may not be there, and ultimatums never work. Someone will always end up either hurt or holding a grudge after having one forced on them. @Princess Serenity: This is a tough topic... Normally I'd say that this is the point to move on. The second he said he'd break up with you if you messaged him before a certain date is when that point arrived. No one who earnestly cares would end a relationship over an issue like that. Though I've never been one to understand the, "let's take a break," mentality. You're either compatible or not. The fact of the matter is, an argument is a far cry from a threatened breakup. Or maybe I'm just too old-fashioned.
I'm sorry to hear that you guys are having such a rough patch. If he gave you an ultimatum that if you don't leave him alone or he'll break up with you, it means that he has thought about life without you and he's fine with that. I don't mean to be a downer, but it sounds like he might like you anymore. For now, just give him some space and let him cool down. Wait for him to contact you first and then go from there. Once he starts talking to you again, you need to talk it out and figure out where your relationship is going to go.
I think everyone else has it right to an extent, but I'm also going to say that I have been with a girl who used to message me constantly, and would even call and wake me up at 2:30 in the morning just to make sure I wasn't thinking of breaking up with her. This was after we'd only been dating for a month, and it was too much, too fast and I eventually did break up with her. Now, that said, I also know what it's like to be on the other side of that equation, where I was the one constantly pining after someone and feeling like my heart would break every time I couldn't talk to her. The thing is, love -- real love -- shouldn't feel that way. If you constantly feel on edge, like you're not worthy of being with that person or that they're going to leave you, one of two things is happening: a. Your worries are somewhat founded. They aren't as interested in you as they purport to be, and therefore the relationship likely won't last regardless of what you do. b. They actually care about you, but your own lack of confidence and self-doubt is pushing them away. If the first is true, the choice seems simple. You should probably break it off to save you both time and further heartbreak. If the second is true, your best option is to try to find ways to build up your confidence. If you find yourself dealing with anxiety, look for a close friend to talk to who can help ease your mind. A lover shouldn't be your whole world and your only thought at every waking moment. Get in touch with yourself; do things that make you feel good about who you are that have nothing to do with romance. Spend time out with friends. Go see a movie. Go for a run. Never let another person determine your self-worth. You have to find peace and happiness within yourself before you can be happy with someone else. Take this from someone who has lived it from both sides. I know it's never as easy as it sounds, but try to hang in there and have faith that whatever happens, you will be better off in the end. I hope that helps.
If something like this is what is putting your relationship in strain with him, then your relationship is never going to last, unfortunately. You are way more into him than he is into you. Moreover, you both have two entirely different ideas on how much time you should be spending with eachother. For instance, my girlfriend and I spend a huge amount of time with eachother, but it is beneficial to us both. I don't know the depth of how much you are entering his life, but there are only two solutions. You have to either build your confidence enough to not need him, thus decreasing the time wanting to talk to him. Or, you break up with him and find somebody who wants to spend more time with you. Honestly, it may be a case where you have to do both.
I just wish he would apologize for how he's been acting. If he spammed me with messages, yes I'd get annoyed, but I wouldn't get angry and threaten to breakup with him. I just need to learn to chill out if he doesn't reply and not tell him every little thing that's on my mind.
@princess Serenity I think its important to communicate. So telling him how you feel shouldnt be something you have to stop doing ya know? For a relationship to work there has to be open and clear communication. Yeah being spammed will get annoying and maybe thats one thing you can work on by being more patient and putting a bit of trust that he'll reply in a bit. But I dont think telling him how you feel is wrong. And I'm sure everyone else here agrees. Besides bottling things up cuz you cant tell him how you feel will wind up hurting you and thats not a good way to live. you should be free to be happy.
We've been together for two months. I can tell you the exact reason of why he told me not to message him. I'd rather someone else talk to him, I'm afraid of him yelling at me.
I dunno what reason he could have to cut communication.. it seems worrisome honestly... It'd have to be a pretty damn good reason.
Well, if this guy could just not be mean to me and I could talk things out with him in private and I'd rather reach a compromise instead of being given ultimatums. If this guy could just understand how breaks work, maybe things could work out between us. I honestly don't wanna breakup with him because no matter how much he drives me I crazy I can't stay mad at him. I'll always love him and stay by his side no matter what happens. I made a promise to never leave him. If I break that promise to him, he'll hate me. If I message him before the 17th he'll hate me and leave me.
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