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Like I know we're not best friends but we've been friends for a while haven't we?
I can take redhawks place because technically he's more like a coworker
No Charles is the only Charles. Though I did not put Napalm on is because he is never on MO anymore xp
You say that cause you're on his list Would you ever let him cuck your wife? You're not his true friend. We're gonna make that porno panda!
@senpaisamasan @draig @blackheart323 @ahuman @elhaymn @kxgami_kxng
@hakutaku @swadian @truffle @reimisan @deri @kamyjafari @alexgp @kurok @leandra and i haven't talked much to @uzimachi but i think he deserves to be on here. ..i'm sure i forgot someone but i can't think now..
@senpaisamasan ok you
Jun 06, 20 at 8:57pm
Lynes - you're still in my heart Franny - you are my first friend I met here. I love to talk with you Taco Knight - it's always nice to talk with you. I wish we would talk more Rich - you are a good bud and I like to play online games with you Etellarlunar - I really enjoy the talks about old anime and games with you. I should talk more with you. Naofumi - I like to exchange memes with you! You are a good listener Blackheart - little sweetheart who cheers me up <3 Sparkie - Green Team ftw! Tenshi - I love to listen to your music. You are a good bud Foo - it's always a pleasure to have talks with you Elz - I miss you so much. Pls come back ;_; NootNoot - It's been a while I have seen you. Meister - I love our conversations. You teaches me alot Avenger-senpai - I like your music taste. Let me show more of your great taste Tsevir - someday I will eat Canada! Sanfi - I loved our conversations. I hope you're doing okay Tetris - It makes me smile to see you around
Jun 07, 20 at 1:18am
clivethebarker~~my sensei~~
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