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Random thoughts...

Oct 01, 24 at 11:59am
May I suggest "Mad God"? @verucassault https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jas8OABbn0Y&t=1s&pp=2AEBkAIB
I honestly think this wasn't the best idea for a cosplay. Not only did I get judged at work for wearing the jacket with the haircut for almost 3 weeks after the convention, but I overheard people mention me in regards to the costume and assumed weird stuff about me like being likely to shoot up my place of employment. Also didn't help when I hit on a girl at the Con. Didn't help that I was tired and a bit buzzed, but I don't think the Travis Bickle costume has ANY rizz. Here's two good selfies I took with some cosplayers. I'm not sharing the Femboy Princess Perona one from One-piece. Turned out I knew him from college LOL
Had a random yap fest with a stranger yesterday. It was nice actually to be talking for 10 minutes with no intentions to get to know or continue it. Of course she wasn't from here which makes sense since people here wanna be left alone. Red tail catfish can get up to five feet long.
Oct 01, 24 at 7:28pm
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j0lSpNtjPM8 @solid_snake95 Need to talk? Feel free to private message me. Need more help than talking to an idiot can give? Please call 988. They're there for EXACTLY these situations.
@solid_snake95 I been there man it's get better. Don't know what your suffering from but if it's schizophrenia risperidone helps greatly if you don't miss your doses. It gave me back my normal and most importantly quiet life. And, quetiapine when ever your ready to sleep puts you to bed bed lol. Shit is fire. What I found helpful when I can't control my thoughts and feel bad about them is to comeback to my inherent belief that through this suffering I am glorifying God. So, if it's a lot I'm suffering I'm just like damn I'm putting in that work lol. But, you gotta have the ability to view God as cool when your suffering instead of trying to find a way out because he ain't answered and you feeling lost. It's harder said than done I know. I been there I offered the nothing I am and was meet with silence I screamed and begged. Just remember how cool your suffering is because going through it is glorifying God. Sound like you putting in that work bro. It gets better man. When I'm down I just say praise Jesus because I gave the pain a purpose. But, I feel you trust me I hate pain as well. I can get on some looney fuck it shit when I feel like I've had enough as well. I wish there was a way out but God already said how the game ends. Keep trucking. Don't let the thoughts win. I'm just telling you my strat cause it helped me. The voices usually fuck off when I'm not getting beat down but instead understanding I'm putting in that work by allowing myself to suffer with a none forced happy demeanor because I REMEMBERED how cool it would be to weather the storm which I understand is hard to obtain in the mist of suffering because the suffering naturally makes you hate the powers that be for not alleviating your suffering. I know how it felt trying to force myself in those dire moments to rely on God whilst he has yet to wave his hand when I am falling further away from him but still meagerly grasping at the salvation he offers. Only to find that the suffering has not ended. But, I felt he did give me a gift a way to stand because that shit came out of nowhere. I just suddenly remembered how cool it would be to weather the storm and got back to my roots that I had lost due to the pain and torment and the why me and the blaming and hate for the world and myself. Keep putting in that work bro you got this. This the only thing I found to stand on. It's gets better as well bro. God is pretty cool if you ask me. And, weathering the storm is pretty cool to. Your pretty cool man. I finally understood why that guy at church when I was looking for healing was saying God is pretty cool. At the time I couldn't see it that way. I just wanted them to fucking heal me if he so cool. But, i'm gucci now I just needed something to stand on. And, he brought it back. The ability to see how cool he is and how cool it is to weather the storm Glory to God and the Lord Jesus. I pray your prayers get answered and you find what you need yourself to keep going. Amen. Free to listen if you need it.
Do you refer to pregnant women as they/them because of the baby? XD
Oct 02, 24 at 5:22pm
Nope... Baby is referred to as PARASITE, seeing as the placenta is made to keep the woman's body from killing the baby because it's foreign to her body. So, asking "How's the little parasite?", is the appropriate first question.
Ahhh lmaoo that's great. Man giving birth might be beautiful to some but it's gross to me
Oct 03, 24 at 3:46pm
Same. https://youtu.be/gHtiw_a-XAw?t=124
Oct 03, 24 at 4:07pm
Mmmmmmmucus plug!!!! Mmmmm... Placenta pancakes, anyone? Well, it reminded me of a vainy crimson pancake.
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