Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?

Ed~ @yamadaed
Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Back when I was in school they taught us that condoms only work 50% of the time

Melonraid @melonraid
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
Melonraid @melonraid
I go back and forth on that.
In my part of the states, the high school I attended had 'em in bigass candy bowls in the nurses office, with instructional pamphlets to boot. I'm not entirely sure on this, but I believe that a lot of school in the midwest still push abstinence, and have no type of sex ed whatsoever.
In places like that, absolutely. Even without knowing the proper "application", (They're kids anyway, so they'll likely just look it up on the net.) just having access to condoms would help tremendously as long as there's no sort of stigma attached to getting them from the school grounds.
Places that already have that type of thing though? The pregnancy rate'll probably be as good as it'll get. It doesn't matter how much protection you've got access to, there will always be some knuckleheads that'll whine: "It doesn't feel the same!" and worse, a consenting partner that'll let them do what they want.

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Melonraid @melonraid
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
Melonraid @melonraid
It's like that one saying goes, ignorance can be educated, and crazy can be medicated, but there is no cure for stupid.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Free condoms and free birth control that didn't require parental consent. Remember, lots of people hate using condoms. I've even met lots of girls that hate condoms.

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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xynox @xynox
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
xynox @xynox
No. Of course not.

hadtochangemyname @hadtochangemyname
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
hadtochangemyname @hadtochangemyname
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fortyfiver @fortyfiver
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Would free condoms handle prevent teen pregnancy?
fortyfiver @fortyfiver
Most of the time people don't use protection and they're fully aware of it. They think it'll feel better or don't want to for some other reason. We'd probably have better luck with free morning after pills since after the hormones calm down they'd realize it was a mistake.
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