Which anime is most like your life?
Djosh @djosh
Which anime is most like your life?
Djosh @djosh
I'm sure I'm not the only person who's compared their life to an anime or vise versa.
Watamote for me, except I'm a 20 something year old male with social anxiety ;___:
neeto @neet_one
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Which anime is most like your life?
neeto @neet_one
Polar bear cafe. It's easy to relate to as I'm also a polar bear who hangs out with a panda and a penguin. Really though probably nhk.
duck @jullyann
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Which anime is most like your life?
duck @jullyann
Watamote ;^;
LaughingMan_dD @laughingman
commented on
Which anime is most like your life?
LaughingMan_dD @laughingman
code geass... only the character lelouche, nothing else (well that anime is all about that character)
hyouka.. (when i was in school though.. not now)
lhenira @lhenira
commented on
Which anime is most like your life?
lhenira @lhenira
Probably every slice of life anime ever where there are just fooling around with their friends :D
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