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Would You Ever Date A Trans Girl? Why Or Why Not????

@verucassualt is that Ru Pauls drag race? I would date a trans woman. I'm open-minded minded when it comes to liking or dating people. Honestly I know people just are not into anything other than heterosexual interaction but I think there would be a lot less lonely people if people liked people... regardless of their gender or identity. Limiting you likes to one gender is ridiculous to me. I am an open-minded person so there are few ideas in the world that seem "odd" to me.
Have a talk with him about it and be honest with your feelings. I see no problem with dating a trans woman, only thing that matters is how you both feel about one another lol.
@wert Yeah all of them were contestants. Manila Luzon, Raja, Violet Chahski, Courtney Act, and Willam. <3 There are so many other queens I love but I can't list them all. I just put up some of the more "fishy" ones. The beautiful, is-that-really-a-man? looking ones. XD
@wert (this is just for fun) All of them out of drag. Manila https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3b/ca/b4/3bcab40d1d7238e87091f6832c71550c.jpg Raja https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/79/9d/71799dab5c9ea0bb82a9f1fa82b75297.jpg Violet http://40.media.tumblr.com/369ba9687112aa8ad46da860bb508bbb/tumblr_nlnehtKvdR1upnvgio2_500.jpg Courtney (in and out of drag) http://feastoffun.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/courtney-shane-559x400.jpg Willam http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--WAXPyOyx--/194q5sdmpldz8jpg.jpg
I said PC for a reason. We talk of acceptance, but acceptance does not mean you have to personally be attracted them. This generation seems to afraid that they'll step on toes if they actually speak their mind instead of following the herd and in doing so, no one wins. Get over it, not everyone will feel the same. Be happy with the fact that many more accept your choices and be not disheartened because many still won't think of you as you wish. I accept all humans as just that, human. We are so amazing with all of our capabilities and differences. Attraction is more than just psychological, it just is what it is no matter what another may say. But, I suppose having an opinion that differs is wrong. Now, as for treating transgenders as the gender they're choosing to accept? That's a hard one on the whole and although it's still kind a weird thing in my mind(Treating a man as a woman or vice versa...), I try my best to treat people with respect and that includes their decisions(As long as they're not harmful ones.).
There's no way I could. I mean like others have said, once I know they're a guy.... I will always see them as a guy. Straight people are attracted to the opposite sex and nothing will change that. Of course if I'd still be their friend and even try to get them together with someone who was okay with it if they wanted but just not me. You have to be honest about your feelings or it will never work.
Sure, Why not? ^-^
why not, as Long as you feel attracted, which is definitely important for a relationship. I can understand, if a straight Girl doesnt want to date a transgender Boy, who is still too feminine for her, though.
i dont know.. never actually had a real long conversation with a tranny.. so thats why i really dont know how i would feel
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