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Would You Ever Date A Trans Girl? Why Or Why Not????

Yeah I would. Being a tale teller puts you up to meet tons of people whom you might never see again, and more often than not everyone has an interesting story to share. My point is everyone is different, and I would pretty much date someone whom I have made a bond that has become important to me, people come and go, but still bonds means a lot and bonds are not gender, sexual, physical, they just exist, so if I like someone enough as to date him or her, then I wouldn't mind if is trans or not. We didn't come to the world to fight everyone on the way, we came to be able to get good memories to share in the other side.
Me I wouldn't mainly because I hate lying the most out of everything. Lying is so deceitful that I consider it extremely evil and I can't stand the thought of it! But also I would say no because I want a person who was biologically born a female. I have nothing against you as a person and I'm not judging you at all. I just wouldn't date a trans girl. It would just be to weird for me. I'm kind of a person who believes in if you were born a male or female then you should be that male or female. That is just my belief and I still am not judging you for your decision. I would be able to accept you as a friend but nothing more then that.
I couldn't. It's not because I'm afraid of transgenders, or oppressive of them or anything like that, but it's more that they couldn't be up front with me from the start. I know that's kinda scary to hear (if you're still reading this.), but it's just my personal feelings on it. Even at that point, I honestly don't feel like I'd be able to at the beginning. As mentioned, I have no issues with trans, or anyone in the LGBT+, but it's just something I couldn't do myself... especially since eventually sex would be involved in relationships... pre or post, it would kind of subconsciously nag at me. Just my 2 sense.
Sure, In my opinion: I don't think not disclosing that information is being deceitful. What truly matters is that someone loves you for you. I'm attracted to femininity regardless of bio gender. Sometimes I come across guys (traps) that look more girlie and cute than bio girls. I think the biggest hang up for some people would be those who want to have kids but don't want someone else's genetic material, doesn't want to go the surrogate route, or doesn't want to adopt. What I find more important to disclose is sexual health and diseases that can make someone else sick.
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