Neko's House of Mysticism
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Neko's House of Mysticism
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
A place to discuss things beyond normal experience. Including but not limited to: Astral Projection and travel, Reincarnation, ESP, spirits/ghosts, telekinesis, magick, secret societies, alchemy, etc.
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Neko's House of Mysticism
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Sometimes, more often late at night when I'm tired and in the right state of mind, I get very particular emotional impressions from certain houses. It's more than raw emotions though. It's almost like memories, but not mine. Like I'm slipping into someone else's head and can feel what they feel and see life from their perspective. Although I have no idea who "they" are. It's a bit odd because their perspective and life values are so different than mine. I feel like it should be possible to do this in a more extended way. Like every life ever lived is a stream of consciousness and I feel like it should be possible to enter any stream at will, like rewinding a tape. Even pictures of places can sometimes make me feel this very subtly.
I really like this place for example:
Veru @verucassault
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Neko's House of Mysticism
Veru @verucassault
I'll contribute by finding my weird happenings/experiences posts and putting them here. Tomorrow maybe .... Too late tonight. Tired finally.
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Neko's House of Mysticism
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Ok, thank you veru.
Veru @verucassault
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Neko's House of Mysticism
Veru @verucassault < This is Arc's thread but I shared here.
I had the bed thing happen once but it wasn't like something got in bed with me, it just seemed like something was near and vibrating the air around me.
Had the vibration thing happen again in the house I'm living in. Now the things that have occurred in that house besides that, was things getting knocked over or down from the walls. No big deal. Can be caused by a random rattling and Oklahoma has been having earthquakes more frequently. Uh another time when my friend and her daughter was living there, I saw Syd, the daughter, walk from her room to the bathroom out of the corner of my eye. One door closed at this interval. 15 mins later Syd walks through the front door. My reaction, "Ah hell.."
Veru @verucassault
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Neko's House of Mysticism
Veru @verucassault
Once when I was little and in bed asleep I woke up because I heard someone talking. I was always a curious kid, so I investigated. it was dark and everyone was asleep so I followed the sound, it led to this antique cabinet my grandmother had in her bedroom.. The kind that had 4 legs. So there was space between it in the floor. I got down on my hands and knees to look under it and it was just darkness but then I heard a growl. So I hauled ass got in bed with my grandmother under the covers and wrapped myself around her like a boa.
So nothing else really happened like that.. For a period of years I didn't live in my grandmas home but then stuff got bad at home, I moved back in. Was probably some of the best couple years of my life ... I was a teenager and always wondered if maybe I was just a kid with an over active imagination. But I rarely felt comfortable in her home alone. Kinda like hairs standing on the back of your neck if you realized you were there and maybe it was real lol
I was pretty dismissive of it all but then when I graduated high school and started jr college I worked at my tribal office (I'm part Cherokee). There was a class I had to have in the mornings so my job worked with me, letting me stay some after hours to make up lost time. I was left alone and had to lock myself in. I had my own office with a desk that was positioned so I could see above my computer monitor to thedoor and the hallway. So la la la I was there typing away and I saw a shadow stream by the door and then a second later I heard a bang on the front door in the lobby which caused the bells on it to jingle. I Went to the lobby and of course no one was there. So I grabbed my shit, unlocked the doors and sat out in my car doing homework before locking up and going to class lol. There were a couple of things leading up to it that I had dismissed. Like one afternoon me and another girl working in the office heard a crash so we looked around and found a filing cabinet -big wood fucker, had tipped over hitting a wall in a back office. We thought oh maybe the weight wasn't distributed equally with the files. Then the fire exit back by that office would sometimes go off. They said it was faulty wiring in the door. Just a handful of things ya know? The building actually used to be the tribal clinic for a time until they got the funding to build a bigger nicer facility. Now they built a casino into it lol. I kinda want to talk to someone that works there now to see if strange things keep happening but that's a weird conversation starter lol...
Oh to add.. After I saw the shadow I think it attached to me. I would be driving home and hear someone say my name either directly in my ear or from the back seat of my car. It really didn't stop until I moved away to university.
Veru @verucassault
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Neko's House of Mysticism
Veru @verucassault
I have had sleep paralysis. After classes in high school, I stayed after and lifted weights, was in track and field... more focus on the field rather than track but anyway LOL... I was dragging ass I was so tired so when I got home, my mom's bed was quite tall and therefore closer to the ceiling fan. So I hopped up on her bed with the fan full blast to cool down and then passed out. I almost instantly started dreaming. My mom and I were in our truck, and it was early morning and headed home after she finished up her night shift on the weekends. We had been having problems with our truck at the time and in my dream it just stalled and died as we were crossing the railroad tracks. My mom tried starting it, turning the ignition several times, and while she did this I could hear a train. When she realised the thing wasn't going to start and we needed to get out, I went to unbuckle myself but my buckle was stuck. We started pulling on it and moving it so that I could at least squeeze out, but I always ALWAYS pull my belt tight, maybe too tight. I looked through my window in my dream and saw the train coming, the light blinding, the horn deafening. I realized at that point I was dreaming and I opened my eyes. I saw the ceiling fan spinning, but I still heard the deafening sound of that stupid train. I was so weak I couldn't move to get up and my eyes lulled and I went back into the dream. I screamed for my mom to get out of the truck and when she popped out of the door, I looked up and the train, in all its blinding, deafening terror was right there. That's when I was able to bolt upright in bed. I was shaking. The cool thing about the dream is that everything was correct, so detailed. The only thing unlike reality was the train engine was one of the big, old, ornate black beasts from the turn of the century.
Arc @arc
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Neko's House of Mysticism
Arc @arc
when I was a kid one night I had a dream that someone was politely knocking on the window in my room. I went to the window and saw what looked to be a kind old man waving at me. He wanted to talk so I opened the window. The old man was pleasant and commented on how much I had grown. He wanted me to give my mom a message for him. He wanted me to simply tell my mom "hello" for him.
Then I woke up. It was early the next day so my mom was in the bathroom curling her hair. I think she was getting ready for work. I got her attention and told her, "Bob wanted me to tell you hi." and then I ran off to do other things.
About an hour or so later my mom came up to me. She looked pale in the face. She had a family album in her hands. She opened it up and came to a particular page and pointed to a man in a photo. "Was this the man you talked to in your dream last night?" she said. "Oh yeah, that's Bob!" I replied. She hugged me crying and I was so confused. I didn't really understand things at the time because I was only 2 years old, but right after I had told her uncle Bob said hi, she got a call from her sister saying her Uncle Bob had a heart attack and passed away last night. My mom was close to uncle bob and I never met him before. Pretty strange.
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