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How important is Anime/Manga to you in a relationship?

I'd like to say it isn't necessary but you gotta have some common ground. Besides, like I've said before last time this topic was brought up. If anyone who wasn't into anime/manga saw my room they'd probably run for the hills. That said. Emotionally, physiologically, and physically, Anime and Manga have a tendency to attract some really screwed up people. Most women I come across who are into anime/manga are usually land whales, are mentally unstable, or have some real personality issues which often leads them to escape to fantasy worlds found in this medium. While many men on the other hand are twig boys who may or may not have confidence and self esteem issues and that love to self insert into these characters which save the world and get a small army of horny women to choose from. Meanwhile both sides have tons of issues with depression and other mental issues too. Nobody is perfect of course, but some of the stuff I see in anime communities makes me embarrassed to share the same hobby with these people. I've had more than a couple folks on this site tell me how surprised they were because of how 'normal' I seemed, but I'm no exception to what I've previously stated. my issues just aren't nearly as common or easily apparent as something like autism or aspergers seems to be, which are two things I see a lot of in these kind of places. That's not to imply there's anything necessarily wrong with that, heck I used to have a bit of a thing for a girl who claimed to have autism. Just means you gotta be a bit more careful and open minded if you're gonna get involved with someone that likes anime and manga.
Wow Neet-One that makes sense actually. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I don't like talking about anime to people because most people think it's weird and for kids which is pretty dumb. I wish the world was a better place where we could all appreciate each other's interests without making fun of or coming to false conclusions because we don't like what they like. Recently I've been reading the Manga of Fullmetal Alchemist and I truly enjoy both the story and author's notes tremendously and yet it is so hard to share my love of it because I don't really know anyone who would take me serious talking about it sadly because it's a fictional story (and looks like a comic book/cartoon). And yes that's another point, most guys interested in it are skinny twigs or big blobs unfortunately which is a shame because I try to take care of myself by eating healthy and exercising but I guess they are too absorbed into the stories to do so? And the girls too seem to have some weird psychological issues most of the time.
I wouldn't care at all if the other person didn't have any interest in anime. While it would be great to have common interests, anime doesn't have to be one of them.
Not very much to me because I'm more of a gaming otaku with a hint of anime and manga so the gaming expect is very important to me as well as the acpect of music
I don't care if they like Anime/Manga. I hardly read/watch any of those so it won't be a deal breaker if they like or dislike.
Don't care at all. I actually met a guy once who was into anime, too, but he was far more of a fan than I am. I like anime and watch it a lot, but I keep real life and anime separated. And I would like my partner to do the same. If you get too invested in those fantasy worlds you'll lose sight of our world which looks better, feels better and keeps you alive. I couldn't date a shut-in geek. Then again there are people who totally would. You just have to find your match.
Not insanely important to me as I only watch anime when I'm bored. I have a normal life. I own 0 anime merchandise and only have 1 anime on DVD. I would like to have someone who likes anime but is not completely in to it. I would just like someone who shares other interests with me.
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For me it's somewhat important. I really watch a lot of anime, and I like talking about them, too. A potential partner wouldn't have to be super into anime, but I'd like if she at least understood some references and stuff. Also what's better to watch while cuddling in front of the TV than anime?!
Important for me, prolly why my previous relationships didnt work. Its what i spend most of my time doing, not like i want my bf to just stare at me from the door and be like im lonely and im like well good for u but i need to keep up with my 2d waifus and husbandos.
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