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Is shyness bad?

If you were dating someone who was incredibly shy....
Meet with them a lot and give them a few months they will get unshy. Only around you.
Apr 17, 16 at 3:03pm
Is this the best demographic to ask? Just know that some are ok with shy and some aren't. Also, don't every be to afraid to be you.
Apr 18, 16 at 2:35am
As with many problems out there, it's only truly a problem if you're a guy.
Apr 18, 16 at 12:46pm
Being introverted isn't necessarily a deal breaker per say. Lord knows I've had my wallflower moments in life, especially in my high school days, and it's still something I struggle with to this day despite everything. But it helps to take small steps to wheel yourself out of your comfort zone. Finding a job that requires you to talk with other people, actually being outside and doing things, and being more talkative in general. It won't happen over night, but I think it can be beaten back with small steps over time and will go to show you're more than just some shy wallflower who doesn't want to talk or be around other people.
I have to agree with neet on this one. I find it very attractive if a girl is shy, but I doubt that too many girls would like a timid guy as a boyfriend. It's not impossible, but I'm guessing it would be pretty hard for a shy male.
Apr 21, 16 at 9:55pm
shy is better then loud and anoying
Honestly? its fine at first but... I see this A LOT shyness gets extremely irritating after awhile, its one of those quirks everyone finds so adorable and cute, but if you dont come out of your shell and stay shy, it gets frustrating for your partner, expesially if they are an extrovert/social person/introvert whos trying to turn extrovert. tbh I rarely see introverts date other introverts unless their EX-Extroverts . and an extrovert will normally get tired/irritated of the shy introvert if they dont change/atleast strive to change. and if youre with another introvert. well it gets suffocating tbh. after awhile being cooped up all the time doesnt really sit right with you and you need to grow out of it. or else you'll just see moer and more oppurtunities missed
Shyness is a barrier to trust. It is a solid boundary that prevents even expression among others. A relaxed and permeable boundary is much healthier and will avoid many misunderstandings. No need to be shy we cannot control the world to conform to our boundary. The Buddhists were right in suggesting to be like water. I truly love you all and hope this message serves a purpose :)
May 03, 16 at 8:47am
Dating a shy person isn't usually a problem since by the time you date them I'd assume they open up to you. But getting to know them can be a quite long and difficult process. Some people don't have the endurance or simply don't want to invest as much as it would take to truly get close to a shy person. I struggle communicating with shy people since I'm rather honest and expect honesty. Shy people prefer to be nice rather than honest. Or not say anything at all. Which leaves me with the awkward silence. I love that one.
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