Dark Cloud players?

rathworrier @rathworrier
Dark Cloud players?
rathworrier @rathworrier
just wanted know how many people have played the Dark Cloud games, they were a massive part of my childhood and I know that its not to well know of a game. who else has played them?

ceresbane @ceresbane
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
ceresbane @ceresbane
dark chronicles was pretty and fun.
I only played the demo of dark cloud.

rathworrier @rathworrier
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
rathworrier @rathworrier
ya I'm like half way through dark chronicles and I just picked up dark cloud on the ps4 store

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
neeto @neet_one
I still got 1 and 2 for ps2, nice games. Thought the whole photo thing in 2 was pretty neat.

otakusan89 @otakusan89
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
otakusan89 @otakusan89
I almost beat the first one but got stuck trying to assemble the robot :/

Einjeru @einjeru
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
Einjeru @einjeru
I bought dark cloud 2 whenua was available for download on ps4. Only spent $5 on it too. I never got to finish playing it since my disc was a beat up used disc.

hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
I played the original Dark Cloud in middle school, loved it, cherished it, slept with it. I only played a bit of 2 but I plan on finishing it on the PS4. I also want to play Dark Cloud 1 on PS4 eventually.

Null @wolfy2798
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
Null @wolfy2798
First Dark Cloud was a main piece of my childhood. Everything about the Divine Beast Cave is literally engraved into my mind for the rest of my life. That and poison, lots of poison... Dark Cloud 2 I had seen in magazines as a kid but never got to play until recently. I feel like Dark Cloud 2's world rebuilding mechanics are a little crazy to take in at first but definitely adds to the original dungeoning mechanics.

the_medarotter7 @the_medarotter7
commented on
Dark Cloud players?
the_medarotter7 @the_medarotter7
Ahhh Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicle... such fond memories, amazing story, and a truly outstanding OST. It's no wonder people call it Sony's Legend of Zelda. I only got to play Dark Chronicle, but I loved every minute of it.
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