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Online Relationships

May 22, 16 at 1:44am
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May 22, 16 at 2:43am
Holy shit, the first one would be shocking enough for me to live as a hermit till I die. Sorry to hear about all 3. Lesson received.
May 22, 16 at 6:14pm
The internet allowed us to meet a loot of ppl. If you fall in love with somebody it doesn't matter if you met the person through the internet, but you shouldn't just leave it there. Make the next step, visit the person, but be sure it's not a trap xD I have many friends that did that and now live together :) ( Sadly a thousand miles away from here, soo we basically lost contact on the last year )
I've been in a long distance relationship for 9 months this month. We met on a dating site, fell in love and then discovered we lived over 1,000 miles apart. We didn't get to met each other for the first 4 months of our relationship until I snuck away from school to fly across the country to meet him. I know it sounds really stupid to leave home to meet someone you've never met before without telling anyone, but I was confident he was who he said he was. Sure enough, I arrived at the airport, saw him instantly and proceeded to hug him for 15 minutes. It was an amazing experience. Since then he's flown up to see me once and I recently returned from another trip to see him. He's coming up again in a few months and we have plans to move in together in the next year. All in all I've learned that if you're going to attempt an ldr the most important things are 1.) trust - make sure you're confident the person is who they claim to be before you get too serious with them. 2.) communication is important in all relationships but especially ldrs, make sure you're both on the same page. And finally 3.) I personally believe it's best to meet the person irl as soon as possible, the first meeting is probably the most significant moment in an ldr and will definitely help you to feel more secure in your relationship. Just a little advice for anyone interested in getting into an ldr (^_^)
I haven't tried online dating. I've heard some pretty terrible stories and it just sounds like too big of a hassle. But it's something that I may have to do eventually. I've come to terms with my potato lifestyle (stay home, watch shows, games) and I'd like to live with another potato. Unfortunately, potatoes don't go out often, making it difficult to find one on the street. So I guess online dating is my only choice.
I don't mind long distance, it makes me more comfortable to know them a while before it just is us face to face x3
Jun 10, 16 at 6:06am
I agree with Maysalkirii. I didn't always, though. When I was younger I had trouble with a long-distance relationship with a girl in Japan I was seeing. It was one of the reasons I broke it off. Nowadays I'm not as... how should I phrase this... hung up on the physical part of relationships. I want to find a companion and friend first and foremost. Not that there shouldn't be an attraction, but it's far less important to me now.
It's cool and exciting for a while, but most of the time you aren't going to meet them ever or they don't even like you.
Ludicrously hard but it can definitely be done. I've been in one myself and it lasted a year, things were going really well and we were content with the way things were at the time where we met up whenever we could. It's just one of those things that both of you have to try your best and work together on; communication is absolutely key, even more-so than your standard relationship. The only reason we broke up was because of misunderstanding after misunderstanding - we're still good friends these days but I don't think we would give it another go. But even saying that, I would choose to be together with someone who lives much closer by than go for LDR any day of the week which wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't so picky.
I've had mostly bad experiences with both long and close distance relationships, so it would work either way for me, though I think close range would work better.
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