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B. @verflucht commented on Dating!
Mar 27, 16 at 2:57pm
Yes me and sunflower have been going steady for a while now
Mar 27, 16 at 2:59pm
I'm the guy who just lurks in the corner and wait for the right moment to say something, other than that I haven't made "friends" here or gotten into a relationship, -- feeling really damn accomplished now.. xD That aside, I believe with 90% of the user base being male, 1% being trolls that come and go and the remaining 9% being women, it's only natural that this community would find it's place as a hang out spot for us instead of a dating site. of that 100% i'd say like 10-30% of people actually hang around here for more than a day or 2 after they realize that they ain't getting what they want. I would have to say since I joined i've only seen 3-4 couples work out because of the site.
O.O You and sun? Who are you? Do you not come here that often or did you just change your name/icon pic? I don't recognize you.
neeto @neet_one commented on Dating!
Mar 27, 16 at 3:01pm
It's a long shot in a place like this. Too many kids that are just here to play around, too many desperate or perverted guys that scare away half way decent women, too many women with princess complexes and entitlement issues, too many idiots who can barely form a coherent sentence let alone handle a real relationship, I could go on... It's practically a miracle when anyone does manage to get anywhere with anyone here.
neet-one, the totally upbeat positive guy...
Mar 27, 16 at 3:12pm
Uhhhh I met my gf on here :).
Mar 27, 16 at 3:13pm
@animekid yes I did. ^^ It's going pretty well. We have our ups and downs, but that's LDRs for you. We did break up once though, but we were both kinda silly at the time xD We're together for almost 3 months now.
Mar 27, 16 at 3:15pm
Congrats sachi :).
Mar 27, 16 at 3:19pm
Thanks a lot, likewise I guess. ^-^
what when!?!
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