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Mar 27, 16 at 4:40pm
@animekid, fun fact, I think my bf left like 3 months ago so I think he's satisfied with me LOL.
Mar 27, 16 at 4:48pm
@sachi Lol I think you might be onto something there XD If i found someone i might still stay on here for awhile for some fun people though of course i would change my status and probably the way i act a bit too.
Mar 27, 16 at 4:50pm
@animekid Heyy now I'm just here for shits and giggles, don't mind me
Mar 27, 16 at 4:50pm
Lol XD
With this place while dating is a possibility which I have been realizing lately it shouldn't be considered dating first. It is a lot closer to chillax and see what happens. I used to work with a dude who let me know about this place and I personally thought it'd be active as fuck considering the amount of people who like anime and people who spend a shit ton of time on the internet that this place would be a chaotic haven. I wasn't sure if I'd find a relationship and I'm glad I did because with anime being as diverse a community as it is you'll probably have a few things in common off the bat that can generate endless hours of conversation about that alone. So to conclude/repeat people who come here because they think this is a full blown straight up dating site are going to be disappointed - perhaps the powers that be here can try to market it closer to what it really is (don't get me wrong dating is part of the equation here) which is a friendly place with the chance of a connection.
neeto @neet_one commented on Dating!
Mar 27, 16 at 7:54pm
vamp, I actually am for the most part believe it or not. I'm just being honest is all.
Mar 27, 16 at 10:15pm
Finding someone who you can talk to and make friends with is easy, finding someone who can love you is much more difficult.
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