introduction for my self

denniskun @denniskun
introduction for my self
denniskun @denniskun
Hi guys i am an cheerful otaku. My favourite anime is nisekoi n one piece. And also i like to read manga. I also like to watch another anime.
So guys yoreshiku onegaishimasu

Noir Fairy @faerin
commented on
introduction for my self
Noir Fairy @faerin
welcome to MO, hope you enjoy it here :)

denniskun @denniskun
commented on
introduction for my self
denniskun @denniskun

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
commented on
introduction for my self
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
Welcome to MO ^^

Kitsunya @kitsunya
commented on
introduction for my self
Kitsunya @kitsunya
Enjoy your stay here in MO! =^-^=

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
introduction for my self
Nakama @jacob1
Welcome, Have a great time here.
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