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you know what i dont get?

Mar 28, 16 at 7:54pm
You know what I don't get? How there is anyone out there that thinks it's okay to text and drive. I'm sorry, but any time spent not looking at the road is time that can result in hitting something. When people are driving vehicles that average about 2 tons, it should be common sense that being attentive is a must. Otherwise said person could one day hit someone, kill that person, and end up in jail for manslaughter. Someone I know was out riding his motorcycle not too long ago and ended up going through someone's rear windshield, because some stupid teenager thought that text was so important and ran into him. It's unclear at this point if he'll ever walk again and he was lucky to survive. F text and drivers, F all of them. Sorry, figured this is the perfect thread to vent in, cause I just don't get it.
i get where your coming from rich dont you drive a motorcycle too? so any day you go out your at risk and this might be because of a text and driver it is very unsafe tbh because your reaction time isnt really that good to begin with sometimes and then your not even paying attention you could kill a person
Mar 28, 16 at 11:04pm
>why are girls who sleep around considered whores but guys who do is just a typical guy. Only douchbags sleep around, and only douchbags think guys who do it are cool.
Isn't it called double standard? We were raised how girls are suppose to be pretty yet guys are suppose to be masculine? Girls who are very sexually active would have their suppose "innocent" image tainted while guys who are sexually active means they are desirable?
Yeah I don't get gender roles. It's stupid and promotes unhealthy(mental) living. I would contest that idea. I know quiet a few guys who have their "innocent" title taken away because they are sexy.
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@The Neko King. With either of the biological genders, people get forced into a certain behaviour. So it's not surprising that people feel "out of their gender", if they like something that seemingly doesnt fit their gender. I agree with this "Genderfluid Foxkin Demiqueer" or similar stuff (I know a girl who think's she is a dragon...o.Ò) but all of these behaviours are only a symptom on those forced roles. And regarding those "mental issues" some people mentioned: they have always been there. People always felt out of gender, in the past even more than nowadays. The reason why its scuh a big issue nowadays, is because we can influence it. Those issues weren't created with this technological development, but are now actually curable.
@Neko King, reminds me of: "I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding."
i dont get why pizzas are too tasty that it would make you say "a pizza without cheeze is like world without treeze"
May 10, 16 at 4:02pm
It's too bad Panda started this thread. Otherwise, I'd have said: a girlfriend This just kind of ruined my day, really -_- XD
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