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you know what i dont get?

^ pretty much
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Mar 20, 16 at 4:45pm
You know what really grinds my gears? When my freaky neighbors have screaming fights late at night, which always ends in some kind of weird loud sex. My walls are just too thin for that -_-
you know what i dont get? why sanfi complains about the noise when he and i do the same thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) when we are playing a hard game
You know what I don't get? The invitation. I don't get the invitation. The fuck guys.
Mar 20, 16 at 5:59pm
@panda I know. You thought me to be more selfish; to take what I want and find what pleases me. It's hard... to not be pleased at any given time. @adolannan Sorry, bro. Panda and I needed to work on our relationship. Our ship was sinking, but not anymore ^^
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Ya know what I don't get? Why do people shit and piss all over public toilets and just leave it for the next person? Could be worse I suppose... Women's rooms look like a battlefield sometimes...blood 'n all.
@xynox. Yep I agree and it is.
How common sense isn't common.
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