MO: Opinion Thread
yaasshat @yaasshat
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MO: Opinion Thread
yaasshat @yaasshat
Dating sites are usually geared towards adults and thar be part of the issue here...
Really though, this site does not have the popularity nor is it set up in a way that encourages one to meet up rather than linger on here for years in some cases. Distance is usually the biggest issue here. Plenty of young men/women come and go on here, but rarely do they seem to be within one hundred miles of each other. Then there are those who only lurk in the shadows and NEVER interact with others besides to just post "Hi! What anime do you like?" on as many profiles as they can. We also can't forget those who think being a blatant pervert while messaging is normal and that tends to scare away the normal ones, but that part is pretty much par for the course on "dating" sites. This site is geared towards the "social" aspect more so than tge "dating" aspect, take it or leave it.
If you want to date, may I suggest better sites or just going outside? Really, if you're under thirty, please do yourself a favor and don't dwell on being single or search through the endless crap of the internet. Life is much better when priorities are in order.
Veru @verucassault
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MO: Opinion Thread
Veru @verucassault
You kinda wrote that in a way that makes it sound like it's the website's fault. Anime lovers are rare when you get up into the upper twenty and more range. Plus I've seen what the cons have to offer...there are far more attractive people here than at those. O_O
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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MO: Opinion Thread
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
ehh veru what type of con did u go to
there are so many cool people at anime conventions sooo sooo many
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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MO: Opinion Thread
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
well it is true that this place is more geared toward social interaction rather than dating cause face it the chances of you finding someone close who isnt a weirdo or perv on here is kinda hard.
i feel that its better to focus on that stuff at this age. rather than when your old and its way harder to find people then. im pretty sure plenty of people know what that is like cause they are nearing their 30's and pretty much never had a date in their life...let alone seen private areas outside of porn. going outside doesnt guarantee you will meet new people i go outside sometimes and nothing ever changes not unless i take the initiative and speak to people. but that isnt easy for most because that is outside their comfort is easier since your not face to face there isnt a person expecting your reply right away. you can think about what you wanna say before you say it.
i give props to the site owner for making a site like this by himself though
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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MO: Opinion Thread
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
I like the site I get to talk to people who enjoy some of the same stuff I do get introduce to anime's I haven't seen or heard of it helps me get away from reality for a bit where I live don't nobody really like anime they more into going to jail/prison I actually just start back watching anime like a 2 years ago I stopped because personal reasons I really appreciate this site a lot of nice people on here
yaasshat @yaasshat
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MO: Opinion Thread
yaasshat @yaasshat
Nah, it's the people who are here. As for the site, it's mostly par for the course as far as "dating" sites are concerned. The site ain't perfect, but I think it's made more for the social aspect anyways.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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MO: Opinion Thread
mariahaise @mariahaise
To be honest I don't know what kept me visiting this once shitty site to me. Nothing really happens and many times I thought of deleting my account but there are actually people here that I think are worth the little time I dedicate to check this site. Also, I have no one outside this site beside I few friends irl to talk about anime shit. Though I've probably grown out of that and now I seem to be interested in other stuff, is true it will be always a part of my likes. Guess I should recapitulate myself and say this site sucks big time when it comes to dating but you sure are gonna find some good persons out of a thousand weirdos. So it's not that shitty as it seems.
115 @siruboo
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MO: Opinion Thread
115 @siruboo
If it was just guys I'd be gone. Two forums I posted a lot on were almost all guys and I stopped posting. I posted a pic of me in a dress with my balls visible on the forum where a bunch of people hated me. There was a couple of friends I made there, not good enough friends to stay
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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MO: Opinion Thread
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
@veru, was wondering that too, about your con experience. I go to cons and have to pick my jaw off the floor at all the gorgeous sexy girls hardly wearing anything. Plenty of decent looking guys too. But I also go to bigger cons like ACEN in Chicago.
"well it is true that this place is more geared toward social interaction rather than dating cause face it the chances of you finding someone close who isnt a weirdo or perv on here is kinda hard."
I like weirdo pervy girls, innocent girls are boring, lol.
Blue @blueroselover
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MO: Opinion Thread
Blue @blueroselover
From what I gather, you get out of here what you put in. There are quite a few interesting people and if you were on the lookout for a relationship then you could surely find one. But it takes a bit of personal flair to be more then just a blip on the radar. Not to mention that, with the exception of a few regulars, most people don't post on the forums too much(and not enough on my profile either. I'd like a random shoutout once in a while...). But there are a few people that keep me coming back~
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