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Getting to Know You.

On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? -prefer to stay in, but going out is fun. Are you a leader or a follower? -follower. can handle an interim leadership. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summarize it here: -getting armed to the teeth montage, then get caught off guard by a child zombie. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? -jelly sweets. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? -words don't come easily to me. What is the thing you like most about yourself? -being level-headed. Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? -like to cook, but I have to follow a recipe. still working on omurice (see: https://goo.gl/c5pkHb). Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. -don't have a favorite, yet. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. -Dr.Pepper. Do you smoke? -nope. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? -nope. I take OTC antihistamines for allergy relief. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? -nope. If not, have you in the past? -nope. How would you describe your political alliance? -pro-socialism? I can't give a solid answer without studying politics more thoroughly. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? -nope. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? -both, erratically. Do you have siblings? -only child in the immediate family. Do you have pets? -not right now. previously: a turtle that ran away, a fish that jumped out of it's bowl, a parakeet that flew away, a stray dog, and a chicken and duck that were actually livestock if you want to count that. Do you eat meat? -yes. have considered moving to a vegetable based diet. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? -dropped out. not interested in going back at the moment. What do you want to be when you grow up? -diabetes. Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? -there are spiritual aspects of martial arts that I loosely follow. science makes too much sense all of the time. raised catholic. Do you like art? -I like it when it's pretty. List 5 books you would recommend to someone: -TV fried my brain. List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once: 1. Norihiko Hibino & Cynthia Harrell - Snake Eater 2. Brad Fiedel - The Terminator 3. Yoko Takahashi - A Cruel Angel's Thesis 4. Darude - Sandstorm 5. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are: 1. Breaking Bad 2. Parks and Recreation 3. Brooklyn Nine-nine 4. Rick and Morty 5. Game of Thrones List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Tetris 2. Megaman 3. Silent Hill 4. Dance Dance Revolution 5. IWTBTM List 5 anime you would tell someone they must see. 1. Bakemonogatari 2. Nichijou 3. Kyousou Giga 4. Evangelion 5. Shinsekai Yori List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Drunken Master 2. The Princess Bride 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Kara no Kyoukai 5. Alien You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. -one of everything from Taco Bell, this ensures my death will be messy. Finish the sentence: Gossip is not for me. You can never have too much sugar. War is a necessary evil, said some guy. You can't pick and choose your family, but you can choose your friends. Viva los pollos. Thank you for killing time.
Mar 15, 16 at 11:15am
More people should do these^^ makes for a very interesting read.
Mar 15, 16 at 11:16am
Yeah. I have read through all of them. It's interesting to see how people's interests and tastes differ.
Mar 15, 16 at 12:00pm
Mar 15, 16 at 12:29pm
Bluerose, Or, just maaaaybe...They should learn how to make a proper profile too. #Mind Blown Just thought I'd throw that out there as a proper hypocrite.
Mar 15, 16 at 12:37pm
my profile says ill add you even if your a fake account im not lookig for a girlfriend though. just friends
Mar 15, 16 at 12:41pm
I like how condescending you are Yaasshat :).
On that note I have an excellent profile and none of you goofballs seem to read it. But I am liking that it has gotten some people to open up.
Mar 15, 16 at 1:22pm
;P Sorry for the derailment...(...maybe)
Mar 15, 16 at 1:33pm
I've read your bio SarcasticDesire, and I give you a Thumbs up :P. Perhaps this thread will get back on the train tracks now.
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